The author of more than twenty volumes of French poetry (in blank verse fragments and in prose) and of several volumes of essays and criticism, he teaches modern French literature at the University Paris X Nanterre and is the director of the quarterly literary journal Le Nouveau Recueil. He is an alumnus of the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud.
His most acclaimed work 'Une histoire de bleu' (translated in English as 'A Matter of Blue') consists of prose poems and blank verse in which, writes translator Dawn Cornelio, he 'uses the color blue to encompass melancholy and nostalgia, but also the joy and hope inherent in life'.
“We listen to the inexhaustible chant of the sea within us, as it rises and falls in our heads, like the approach and retreat of the strange desire we have for heaven, for love, and all that we cannot touch with our hands.”
“Devenu chant, le cri n'est plus l'expression spontanée, éphémère et solitaire, d'un sentiment particulier; il prend langue avec l'universel.”