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Jedidiah Behe

I served in the Navy as a Search and Rescue Swimmer and tried for years to become a SEAL but after countless injuries I was pretty much told that it would never happen. So now I am a SWAT in a nutshell.


I'm also an artist and Indie author who drools over good art and books. I can spend hours looking at artwork from freelancers who are just insanely talented. I can then spend more hours getting lost in any number of books from all different genre's...minus Romance. I feel dirty when I read those.

I love my dog Bushido more than most humans but that is probably because of my current profession.

I have found a new love reading books by new authors and giving reviews, but I am in no way a "Reviewer" I try to explain what I think is good about a book and what I think could be improved but I don't like to ramble on to make my review look professional. If I like the damn book I will tell you...If not you will hear a constructive reason why. I wont blast you like a troll, thats just ignorant.

I love games but I find that I get too addicted and next thing I know World of Warcraft has devoured my soul so I try to stay away from them as much as possible. It is hard to find the time to write when your trying to down a boss in a four hour raid!

My first book was a long time coming and now that I released all that from my wee little brain I find that it has filled to overflowing with yet more imaginings. I truly wish that I could spend all day writing, it is what I find most enjoyable.

“You're like an idiot...trapped in an idiot's body!"Hey it was funny at the time and level of intoxication.”
Jedidiah Behe
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