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Jeff Cox

“Cold stabilization has these benefits, however: it gets rid of the crystals, which is nice in a cosmetic sense. It reduces the acidity slightly and softens the wine. The latter benefit is the chief one.”
Jeff Cox
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“The pH of a must will go up as fermentation progresses.”
Jeff Cox
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“For the home winemaker at the crush stage, it's enough to shoot for 50 ppm (SO2) for reds and 70 ppm for whites, adjustable as the pH dictates from the optimums.”
Jeff Cox
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“New York state grape scientists go so far as to say that 'the site characteristics of rain fall, soil nutrients, organic matter, high lime, soil texture and pH are minor compared with soil depth, temperature and replant status.”
Jeff Cox
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“Since a fully mature, rigorous vine will fully use 60 square feet or more spacings closer than 6x10 for wine grapes aren't usually recommended in America.”
Jeff Cox
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