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Jeff Lyon

Jeff Lyon writes adventurous tales, laced with humor, from personal escapades. His stories are based on actual events and filled with extraordinary characters encountered in fascinating locales. Names are changed to protect the far from innocent and facts altered only when needed to avoid the tedium of memoirs.

After graduating from the University of North Texas, Jeff decided to go skiing for a season in Winter Park, Colorado. He stayed four years. Jeff returned to Texas and worked as a Health Inspector for seven years and then three years as a Fire Marshal for the city of Lewisville.

Jeff moved to Florida with his girlfriend, Karen Reneau, married her and became a professional boat captain. He spent the next four years running sailboats and power yachts up and down the Atlantic coast from Chesapeake Bay to Trinidad, South America.

Jeff survived twelve winters in Chicago, Illinois. He spent his summers managing DuSable Harbor, captaining other peoples' boats on Lake Michigan and winters writing.

Dozens of Jeff's travelogues have been published in newspapers and magazines. Jeff's first published novel Hank is a testament to his hillbilly, great uncle. His second novel Bliss documents the hilarious growing pains during Lewisville's spectacular building boom. Jeff's third work was Ski Bum Chronicles. It’s a fantastic journey through the wide eyes of a Texas kid living his dream in the majestic Rocky Mountains.

Jeff returned to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He captained yachts and published his fifth novel Sailing Escape, before moving north four years later.

Living in Charlotte, North Carolina Jeff veered from personal-experience novels to working on a paranormal trilogy about a Vodou cursed flip phone that predicts dire accidents and death. The first two manuscripts are complete and the third book is well underway.

Jeff currently lives with his wife Karen in Chattanooga, TN and hopes this will be their last move.

“Give your brain a break and read a book.”
Jeff Lyon
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