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Jeff Shanley

A longtime fan of science fiction, horror and fantasy, I have always dreamed of writing something that would impact people's lives and experiences, both literary and personal.

My biggest inspiration for my writing was and is The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, as well as his entire Middle-earth legendarium.

I don't just limit myself to fantasy novels, though. I've also written a few screenplays and I'm an avid movie buff (to say the least).

MATHION, and the MAVONDURI TRILOGY as a whole has taken the better part of a decade to develop, and I hope that you enjoy the series as much as I enjoy writing it. The second book in the trilogy, THE LAST ASCENSION: BOOK TWO OF THE MAVONDURI TRILOGY, is currently forming itself and hopefully should be out soon. Anyway, check out the Mavonduri Trilogy Official Blog, subscribe to my YouTube channel (TheMavonduriTrilogy) and my Twitter (@Mavonduri) for the latest updates and general rambling from me!!

Thanks everyone,


“To be a convincing story, you've got to know what you're talking about. In EVERY detail."-Rayner Unwin”
Jeff Shanley
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