Born and raised in the American mid-west, Jeff Smith learned about cartooning from comic strips, comic books, and watching animation on TV. In 1991, he launched a company called Cartoon Books to publish his comic book BONE, a comedy/adventure about three lost cousins from Boneville. Against all odds, the small company flourished, building a reputation for quality stories and artwork. Word of mouth, critical acclaim, and a string of major awards helped propel Cartoon Books and BONE to the forefront of the comic book industry.
In 1992, Jeff’s wife Vijaya Iyer joined the company as partner to handle publishing and distribution, licensing, and foreign language publications. In the Spring of 2005, Harry Potter’s U.S. publisher Scholastic Inc. entered the graphic novel market by launching a new imprint, Graphix with a full color version of BONE: Out from Boneville, bringing the underground comic to a new audience and a new generation.
In 2007, DC Comics released Smith’s first non-creator owned work, SHAZAM! Monster Society of Evil, a four-part mini-series recreating a classic serial from comic’s Golden Age. Between projects, Smith spends much of his time on the international guest circuit promoting comics and the art of graphic novels.
“Here you go, fellas. Piping hot...right out of the oven!''Is--Is that what I think it is?''It's your favourite! Custard pie with cheese and bacon!''QUICHE!''No, comrade!! Be strong! Monsters don't eat flakey bakery products! Get a hold of yourself!''But comrade, I'm STARVING! Our army has no food! We haven't eaten since the ghost circles appeared!''Oh well! We certainly have a lot of food Here, don't we, Teach? A Lot of Food...''Oh yes, A lot of food!''OK! I GIVE UP! YES! YES!! GIVE US THE QUICHE!! WE'RE STARVING--”
“I'm so hungry, comrade! It has been days since we ate those two raccoons!''I know comrade. I'm even beginning to wish we had some of your homemade quiche!''Oh comrade! Do you mean it?''Hey--Hey! None of that! If you ever tell anyone I said that, I'll deny it!”
“Our bellies are empty and our patience is short...submit to us and we will make of you a great quiche!''Again with the QUICHE?! What kind of self-respecting monster would eat a DAINTY PASTRY DISH?! STEW is what we will make of their bones!''Don't get greedy on me! There's three of them! I just want the little one for my quiche!''It was nothing to do with greed! It's a matter of principle! MONSTERS DO NOT EAT QUICHE!”
“I'm hungry.''Me too.''Will you get us something to eat?''I suppose I could take a look around. Maybe find a baby bird or a dead squirrel, or something. One word about a quiche, and I'll kill you.''While you're up there, try to find some nice, soft grasses we can sit on and be more comfortable.''Yes, comrade....Here. I found some eggs to suck on.''Did you remember to get the grasses?''No. I forgot.''Are you going to get the grasses?''Can I eat first?''I don't know why you say you'll do things if you don't mean it.''I MEANT it! I just FORGOT!''You can get the grasses after you finish eating.''Thank you.''And try to find some water. We're going to need water if we plan on hiding out here.''YES COMRADE! ANYTHING ELSE?'...'Y'know, we could've had these eggs in a quiche!”
“If we keep him for ourselves, we can do anything we want with him!''OH, REALLY?! Does that include baking him in a quiche?!''NO, IT DOES NOT INCLUDE THAT! IT INCLUDES EATING HIM RAW!''That's too bad. He would've made a fine pastry filling.”
“Please, comrade! I just want to chop him up for the stew!''And that's another thing! I'm tired of stew! I want to put him in a crust and bake a light fluffy quiche!''QUICHE?! What kind of food is THAT for a monster to eat?!”
“That's right, kid. Never play an ace if a two will do.”
“Fone Bone: HOLD IT! Thorn thinks Gran'ma Ben can help us get back to Boneville!Phoney Bone: IT'S NOT WORTH IT! LET GO OF ME!Fone Bone: Would you wait a minute?!! We can explain everything!Phoney Bone: HELP! HELP! They've destroyed my cousin's brain!! OH MY GOSH! THey've already milked you haven't they?!!”
“CONTROL MYSELF?!! I'm a MONSTER! Monsters don't control themselves! That's the whole IDEA!”
“Phoney: Here's your problem Fone Bone! We're off the map! Get a bigger map!”
“Smiley Bone: You can't feel safe unless there's something to be safe against!Phoney Bone: Exactly! People like to be victims! There's a certain unassailable moral superiority about it...”
“Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures!”
“Upon your feet you have ten toes, they look just like PO-TA-TOES!”