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Jen Wylie

“For The Broken Ones fans... Sneak peek from Broken Prince:"That simple kiss, such an innocent thing, destroyed me. It tore apart the walls I’d built, the rules I’ve lived by, that had been bred into me. It sent my thoughts down paths they should never have gone. Would never have, if not for you." From Broken Prince (Bk 2 of The Broken Ones)”
Jen Wylie
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“The stupid ducks give me nightmares.”
Jen Wylie
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“You must never leave me Sweetness. I will never leave you.”
Jen Wylie
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“I guess I have a thing for guys in leather, who knew?”
Jen Wylie
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“Jump." My mother's voice popped into my head; "Would youjump off a bridge if so-and-so asked you too?”
Jen Wylie
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