Come along with me on an epic adventure. We will face dragons (we might even ride them), we will pilot airships. We will fight villains. We will join a pirate crew. We will wield magical swords. We will fight the forces of evil.
And we will be home in time for dinner.
But we will not go home unchanged.
Fantastical adventures ahead! But be warned:
Safe Return Doubtful!
During the days, I wrangle four small hobbits and help them along on their adventures.
Basically, I'm Gandalf.
But come evenings, when the hobbits are sleeping... I become my alter-ego: PLOT WIZARD (still a wizard, just a different kind)... and adventures await in the pages I scribble upon.
I'm a dreamer, a relentless opener of doors in the hope of someday finding passage to Narnia, and story girl.
“I will warn you now; adventures rarely, if ever, end. Once you step out on one you can never leave it behind; it follows you forever. Even if you make it home unharmed, you will never make it home unchanged.”
“They all said that they could not do it either, but they did; that is what made them so great. They did not believe in their own worth either, not one of those men thought that he was the right man for the throne, but that was their greatness: that they did not believe themselves to be so high.”
“I do not lack fear. Don't you understand? Courage is not found in lacking fear, courage is found in not allowing your fear to rule you. Think, young knight, would there bea ny courage required to face that which you do not fear?”
“Knowledge that is not used is often wasted, and it is shameful to waste anything, especially anything as valuable as knowledge.”
“The steeper the climb, the more incentive to reach the top.Even in the midst of the darkness, there is always a shard of light if we will but search for it hard enough and believe in it strongly enough.A name portrays the nature of its wearer. The meaning of a name, however, portrays the trueness of its wearer in depths that very few ever come to comprehend.May God bless you and keep you and give you peace in all that you do, and may we rest assured of this: that though we travel far apart and in many different directions and for long periods of time, we will meet again, if not in this lifetime, then in eternity, and there we will never have to say ‘good-bye’ again.Courage is not found in lacking fear, courage is found in not allowing your fear to rule you.Courage is really just facing fear.Do not put too much stock in the stars my boy, they are fickle and distant and do not affect the lives of men by very great a margin.”