Jenn J McLeod photo

Jenn J McLeod

Jenn J McLeod loves ticking things off her bucket list. So far she’s made that sea change, run that country B&B, and written that bestseller. In 2014, Jenn downsized her life and home is now a 3-tonne, 25-foot caravan named Myrtle the Turtle.

With her Seasons Collection of four novels already adored by readers, Australia’s nomadic novelist is finding inspiration for more heart-warming small town tales of friendship, family, and contemporary country life.

Book #6 - House of Wishes is going back to Calingarry Crossing. Join me.

Other titles: House for all Seasons (#5 Top Selling Debut Novel), Simmering Season, Season of Shadow and Light, and The Other Side of the Season. Her fifth novel is A Place to Remember.

Small town stories from the country to the coast:

Twitter: @jennjmcleod

Facebook author page: Jenn J McLeod.Books (or 'friend' me)

“Sorry, Will, bad habit of mine. You have to stress hot in the city these days. Some places have absolutely no idea how to make a decent long black.' And there she was being all uppity slutty again.”
Jenn J McLeod
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