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Jenna-Lynne Duncan

Jenna-Lynne Duncan likes to write heart-stopping, page-turning, haunting romance in all YA genres. With a love for travel and special connection to the Middle East, she explores different cultures and different languages. Her current Young Adult releases are titled Hurricane, Tempest, and Aftermath (Divertir Publishing) and the forthcoming Blue Tide. Jenna graduated with degrees in Middle Eastern Studies, Political Science, and International Studies. BLUE TIDE was the recent winner of RWA’s Romancing the Lake contest. She welcomes those to contact her on Twitter, @JennaLynneD, or her website:

“She doesn’t even have shoes on” He was trying to reconcile something in his head while talking to Luke. “In all the time you spent in that shack, you forgot to pack her shoes?” Luke asked rhetorically, shaking his head in both wonder and disappointment. “Look, we’re in the boonies. I am sure shoes are optional, as are a full set of teeth.”
Jenna-Lynne Duncan
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“This just didn’t happen to girls like me. This just didn’t happen to anyone.”
Jenna-Lynne Duncan
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“Damn. I never should have agreed to this. What is he thinking? Here we are in a piece of crap pickup truck on our way to sit outside of a supermarket to kidnap this girl. Damn. He’d better not be falling for her. Sure she’s cute, but I can’t think about that.”
Jenna-Lynne Duncan
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“She was evil. Couldn't he, who killed demons with his own hands, realize that? And now I had to run for Mardi Gras Queen because of him. Or her. I didn't know whose fault it was but there was no way I could back down now.”
Jenna-Lynne Duncan
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