Jennifer Archer is an award-winning author of eleven novels and three novellas in the young adult, romantic comedy, and women's fiction genres and has co-authored a non-fiction book. Her novels have been nominated for Romance Writers of America’s Rita Award and Romantic Times Bookclub’s Reviewer’s Choice Award. The Texas Library Association selected her debut young adult novel Through Her Eyes for their first Spirit of Texas Reading Program – Middle School and for the TAYSHAS High School reading list. Jennifer also writes and edits for clients through her business, Archer Editing & Writing Services She lives in Texas with her husband and three dogs.
Instagram: jenniferarcher01
“How can I be sure who's real and who isn't?”
“Down in the cellar, under a stairCovered with cobwebsNobody caresWithered and pale forgotten it seemsThat's where i hide them,Yesterday's dreams. Shake out the memories, blow off the dustSmooth out the wrinklesRub off the rustRemember the times they sparkled so brightFar out of sightDown in the cellar, under a stairCovered with cobwebsNobody caresWithered and pale, forgotten it seemsThat's where I hide them,Yesterday's dreams.”
“Somentimes challenging and different and risky is what makes life worth living.”
“Here's the thing: No matter where I go, sad things will happen to me, hard things. People I love will die, and sometimes I'll have to tell friends good-bye. I'll meet people who won't like me, and I'll know loneliness. I don't like it, but that's the way it is.”
“If you feel like you have to have them for some reason, tell me and we'll take them out together. Promise?""If you promise not to tell the whole school about this.""I won't tell them anything. Deal?""Deal.""I think we should seal it."I gave a jittery laugh. "With a handshake?""I was thinking more like a kiss.”
“I told you the truth at the bridge. I don't have a good excuse. Blame it on a bad mood." Tate dips his chin, and his grin shoots my heart to the ceiling. "If I tell you I'm sorry a hundred more times, will you forgive me? 'Cause I'll do it, if that's what it takes.”
“Mama says it’s just her nature. Some people are flowers, and some are thorns.”
“Bethyl Ann has vomited words like she ate the dictionary.”
“I died on a bitter cold night. Beneath a black sky and a bruised winter moon, I tried to fly, hoping my arms might act as wings.”