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Jennifer Ashley

NY Times Bestselling author Jennifer Ashley writes historical, contemporary, and paranormal romance, historical mysteries, and urban fantasy as Jennifer Ashley, Allyson James, and Ashley Gardner.

Jennifer's novels have been translated into many different languages, and earned starred reviews from Booklist and Publisher's Weekly. More about her books at and

“Wait a minute. You expect me to stay overnight in a house with four single men? Sean grinned. We're perfect gentlemen, Kim. Everyone knows that. Don't let us worry you. I'm not worried about my reputation, I'm worried about the state of the bathrooms.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“My Beth,” he whispered, his breath hot on her swollen lips. “Thank you.” “For what?” Beth couldn’t stop crying, but she smiled, her face aching with it. “Setting me free.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Because when I look at you, I forget everything. I lose all track of what I’m saying or doing. I can see only your eyes.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Hart pointed at the carriage. "Get in."Eleanor started, and the cake vendor, who'd been watching with evident enjoyment, looked worried. "No need," Eleanor said to Hart. "I'll find a hansom. I've brought Maigdlin an I have so many parcels.""Get into the carriage, El, or I'll strap you to the top of it."Eleanor rolled her eyes and took another bite of seedcake.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“If this person is a blackmailer, El, I want you to have nothing more to do with it. Blackmailers are dangerous."Her brows rose. "You've had dealings with them before, have you?"Too bloody many times. "Attempting to blackmail the Mackenzie family is a popular pastime," Hart said.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“she liked to laugh that a young widow who'd just come into a good fortune must be, to misquote Jane Austen, in want of a husband.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“I'm not a bloodhound, your lordships.""Woof, woof," Cameron said, giving Fellows an evil grin. "Good dog.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“...Illegitimate children can be left money, but they can't inherit the peerage.""You wouldn't want it," Cameron put in. "More trouble than it's worth. And for God's sake, don't murder Hart or I'm next.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“The count said in careful English, "That was perhaps not, as you English say, very sporting.""Games are played to win," Cameron said. "And we're Scottish.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Explain to me what loving feels like, Beth. I want to understand.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“But they are murderers, madam! I am afraid of murderers!(Jeffery, the footman in The Pirate Next Door)”
Jennifer Ashley
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“The house swallowed them. Dylan put his hands on Kim's and Liam's shoulders. "The Goddess bless you both." He kissed Kim's forehead. "Thank you Kim."He smiled and walked away. Liam watched him, his heart full."Is he thanking me for getting pregnant?" Kim asked. "It wasn't difficult, with all the sex we kept having. You did as much as I did.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Andrea's breath hurt, but wit her fear came rage, a killing anger. They'd taken her mate A female defending her mate was the most fearsome of Shifters, and whoever had done this to Sean didn't yet know the meaning of terror.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Andrea was never sure who leaned forward first, but she was melting toward him and, next thing she knew, felt the scalding pressure of Sean's mouth on hers. He kissed her with strength, barely masking his power, and Andrea closed her eyes and drank it in. His hand stole to the back of her neck, arching her up to savor more of her."Come inside with me," he whispered against her mouth....”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Never around when you needed them, heroes.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“No one had explained to Cameron when he was twenty years old and proud as hell that he’d managed to get his wife with child, how difficult it would be to raise a son. Nannies and tutors and schools were supposed to do that, weren’t they? But sons needed so much more than food, clothing, and tutoring. They expected fathers to know things, to teach them about life, to be there when needed.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“You have to understand, and help him, dear. Not repair him.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“You were light and life. You are heat, and I’m so damn cold.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“A broken man learned to savor what he could when he had the opportunity.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“He pulled her close. "Your being with me makes it stop. It's like the Ming bowls - when I touch them and feel them, everything stops. You are the same. That is why I brought you here, to keep you with me, where you can please make...everything...stop.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Is this what love feels like?" he whispered to her. "I don't like it, my Beth. It hurts too much.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“—Algunas veces me siento sobrepasado. Intentar entender lo que dice la gente, tratar de recordar todo lo que se supone que debo hacer para parecer normal, es difícil para mí. A veces las reglas son demasiado duras. Así que me voy por un tiempo.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Dearest Mac,I love you. I will always love you.But I can live with you no longer. I've tried to be strong for you, for three years I have tried. I have failed. You tried to remake me in your image, dear Mac, and I tried to be what you wanted, but I no longer can. I am sorry.I want to write that my heart is breaking, but it is not. It broke some time ago, and I have just now realised that I can leave me heartbreak behind and go on.The decision to live without you was a painful one and not lightly made. I realise you can legally cause me much harm for taking this step, and I ask you, for the love we once shared, not to. It could be that I will not need to leave forever, but I know that I need time apart, alone, to heal. You have explained that you sometimes leave me for my own good, so I will have a chance to recover from life with you. Now I am doing the same, leaving so that both of us have a chance to breath, a chance to cool. Living with you is like being with a shooting star, one that burns so brightly that it scorches me. And I am watching the star burn out. In the end, Mac, I fear there will be nothing left of you.I know you will be angry when you read this, because you can grow so angry! But when you stop being angry, you will realize that my decision is sound. Together, we are destroying each other. Apart, I can remember my love for you. But you are burning me. You have exhausted me, and I have nothing left to give.Ian has agreed to bring this letter to you, and he will inform me of what steps you decide to take. I trust Ian to help us through. Please do not try to seek me yourself.I love you, Mac. I will always love you.Please be well.Isabella”
Jennifer Ashley
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“You’ve been in the mating frenzy before.” Eric looked up at her, his eyes quiet. “Yes.” ”With Kirsten.” ”Yes.” Iona touched her hands together. “You must have loved her very much.” Eric nodded. “Yes. Very much.” ”Then why do you want another mate?” Eric pushed himself from the fireplace and came to her, the first flickers of fire shadowing his tall, naked body. He skimmed warm hands down her arms. ”Because I saw you.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“What does that word mean?" Cassidy asked. Her voice was soft, sexy. Mind-blowing. "Querida, or whatever you said? I don't speak Spanish.""It's a term of endearment. An Anglo might say darling or honey.""What was the other one you used? Me ha?"Mi ja. Short for mi hija. It's what you say to someone you care about."She smiled. "When you say that you sound ---I don't know---affectionate.""Maybe I like cats," Diego said.Cassidy rested her hand on his chest, and her smile widened. "Meow.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“We don't fit in, you and me," he said. "We're both oddities no one knows what to do with. But we fit together." He took her hand, pressed her palm to his, then laced their fingers through each other's. "We fit.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“I do not think of him as Lord Ian Mackenzie, aristocratic brother of a duke and well beyond my reach; not as the Mad Mackenzie, an eccentric people stare at and whisper about.To me, he is simply Ian.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Everything matters.Everything you do touches someone in some way, even though you might not understand that.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“You are in no position to make threats to me.”“I don’t have to be. Even if you shoot me, you can be sure you’ll never get away from Hart. He’s a fucking obsessed bastard, and he’s touchy about people harming his sisters-in-law. You will be praying to have me alive once Hart is on your trail.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“...Mac, I want you to go back to the house and make sure the ladies don't get the idea to go searching as well. I told Eleanor not to, but you know the Mackenzie females."Mac scowled."Hell, Hart, can't you find something easier for me to do? Go up against an army of assassins in my underwear, maybe?”
Jennifer Ashley
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“For God's sake!" Hart sprang to his feet.Everyone at the table stopped and stared at him, including Ian. "Do I have to be made a mockery of in my own house?"Mac leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head. "Would you prefer we made a mockery of you in the street? In Hyde Park, maybe? In the middle of Pall Mall? The card room in your club?""Mac, shut it!”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Hart, you'd schedule Christ's second comimg and have Wilfred send him an itinery.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“On her head perched a pillbox hat with an absurd little veil. She'd pulled the dotted veil up out of her eyes, but not completely - it hung lopsidedly, dangling over her right brow. Her dark brown dress was filmed with dust she'd raised, and dust caught on her damp cheeks. One lock of hair had escaped her coiffure, a red snake dancing down her bodice. She was delightfully mussed, and dear God, he wanted her.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“The smile, the look, tugged at Eleanor's heart. Even in the fleeting glance, she'd seen great love in Ian's eyes, his determination to finish this letter and send it to Beth so she could enjoy decoding it. A way to tell her sweet nothings that no one else could understand. Private thoughts, shared between husband and wife.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“You are very cross tonight, Hart. Perhaps the lady disappointed you."Hart stared at her over the glass he'd started to raise. "What lady?""The one whose perfume you positively reak of."His brows went up."You mean the Countess von Hohenstahlen? She's eighty-two and drenches herself in scents that would make a tart blush."Oh.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“This was the Hart Eleanor had known years ago, the one she'd agreed without hesitation to marry. He'd had the body of a god, a smile that melted her heart, a sinful glint in his eyes that had been just for her and her alone.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“You know women when they get talking. They don't stop for anything but unconsciousness.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“My past is no secret to anyone. I'm a blackguard and a sinner, and everyone knows it. These days, that's almost an asset to being a politician.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Hart caressed the letters of baby Graham’s name. “Mac likes to say, We’re Mackenzies. We break what we touch. But this little Mackenzie… he broke me.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Kim sat up. “You all sound like you don’t take this seriously, like you don’t want me to get Brian free. Brian’s mother is barely holding it together. You and Sean had to do the comforting sandwich with her, remember?”
Jennifer Ashley
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“In Nvengaria we would not dream of doing this. We do not punish a woman for what a man has done, and if he dishonors her and she shoots him, it is regarded as justifiable and she is praised for her bravery.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Love I want you for my mate because you have eyes the color of smoke. Because you are wicked sexy, because you're fearless and have a smart-ass mouth, and because you kiss like fire. Why wouldn't I want a woman like you around me the rest of my life?”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Ian cupped her chin and turned her face up to his. Then he did what he’d been practicing since the night on the train – he looked her fully in the eyes.He couldn’t always do it. Sometimes his gaze simply refused to obey, and he’d turn away with a growl. But more and more he’d been able to focus directly on her. Ian’s eyes were beautiful, even more so when his pupils widened with desire. “Have I told you today that I love you?” he asked. “A few dozen times. Not that I mind.”As a young woman who’d been starved for love much of her life, Beth lapped up Ian’s generous outpouring of the words. He’d surprise her with them, catching her as she walked down the hall, pushing her up against a wall, breathing, “I love you.” Or he’d tickle her awake and tell her while she tried to hit him with a pillow. The best was when he lay against her in the dark, fingers tracing her body. She treasured his whispered, “I love you.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Ian closed his eyes. Beth watched emotions flicker across his face, the uncertainty, the stubbornness, the raw pain he’d lived with for so long. He didn’t always know how to express his emotions, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel them deeply.When Ian slowly opened his eyes, he guided his gaze directly to Beth’s. His golden eyes shimmered and sparkled, pupils ringed with green. He held her gaze steadily, not blinking, or shifting away.“I love you,” he said.Beth caught her breath, and sudden tears blurred her vision.“Love you,” Ian repeated. His gaze bore into hers harder than Hart’s ever could hope to. “Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you…”
Jennifer Ashley
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“She heard the echoes of Ian’s screams in her head. Beth pressed her forehead to his hands, her heart wrenching. Ian’s hands were large, sinews hard under his kid-leather gloves. Yes, he was strong. In the Tuileres Gardens, it had taken both Mac and Curry to pull him away from Fellows. That didn’t mean others could try to tear at that strength, try to defeat him. The doctors in the horrible asylum had done it, and now Fellows was trying to.I’m falling in love with you, she wanted to say into their clasped hands. Do you mind awfully?”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Beth stared at the bowl, a fragile piece of the past, such a delicate object in Ian’s large, blunt fingers. “Are you certain?” “Of course I’m certain.” His frown returned. “Do you not want it?” “I do want it,” Beth said hastily. She held her hands out for it. “I’m honored.” The frown faded, to be replaced by a slight quirk of his lips.“Is it better than a new carriage and horses and a dozen frocks?”“What are you talking about? It’s a hundred times better.” “It’s only a bowl.” “It’s special to you, and you gave it to me.” Beth took it carefully and smiled at the dragons chasing one another in eternal determination. “It’s the best gift in the world.” Ian took it gently back from her and replaced it in its slot. That made sense; in here it would stay safe and unbroken. But the kiss Ian gave her after that was anything but sensible. It was wicked and bruising, and she had no idea why he smiled so triumphantly.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“I loved and adored you, but I drained you like a thirsty man at a spring. I loved what you could give me - your admiration, your acceptance, your love, your forgiveness. I forgot to love you for yourself.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Marry in haste, Repent at leisure.”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Why is she so stubborn? And disobedient?” Cameron barked a laugh. “Because Mackenzies always choose headstrong women. You didn’t really expect her to obey you, did you? No matter what the marriage vows say?”
Jennifer Ashley
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“Stay with me.” “We’re married,” she whispered. “Of course I’ll stay.” “You could decide to leave me.” “I won’t.” “Promise me.” “I have promised. I do promise.”
Jennifer Ashley
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