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Jennifer Bosworth

“ All of a sudden, inviting Jeremy up to my room seemed like a terrible idea. I wanted him too much. My desire for him was like a thing separate from me, a wild animal with a mind of its own, attacking the bars of the cage I kept it in, looking for a weak spot." from Struck”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“So the reason I was struck again and again was because of my overwhelmingly positive energy. Funny, I'd always thought of myself as a pessimist.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“-I thought you were dead.-I was, a bit.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“Give your false prophet a message for me. Tell him Jesus befriended the whores and the thieves and the sinners. Tell him his Old Testament God is dead. God doesn't punish the wicked and save the righteous. God is love.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“I'd always avoided wearing least favorite absence of color.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“-Who's that guy?-What guy?-The one I saw go up the stairs to your room with you.-Oh, that guy.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“-You said this wasn't a cult.-Secret society. There's a difference.-Not from where I'm standing.-Then take a seat.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“As his older sister, it was my job to lie to him in the name of easing his troubled mind.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“A piece of advice: if you want to remain in control of a doomsday cult, don't give a date for the end of the world unless you're really, really sure it's going to happen. Being wrong tends to undermine your authority.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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“When you've been struck by lightning as many times as I have, you start to expect the worst pretty much all the time.”
Jennifer Bosworth
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