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Jennifer DeLucy

“I believe that life is a very individual path, and that we have to live it according to our own destiny and through our own eyes. Half the journey is groping around in the dark. Every lesson you learn, it’s vital that you teach yourself as much as possible. Someone very wise once said that, in an ideal world, there would only be guides on the side, not sages on the stage. We would, in my opinion, need a time of not-knowing, a time of confusion that leads to wisdom, before we’re really ready to be “retrieved”.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Dignity is for boring people.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Did I wear you out?""Out of my pants, maybe.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“I just want to be there when you come home at night.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“But each soul is unique, each grows at its own pace, and that's how it must be...a bit at a time.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“You were my polarity, and the universe held you up to me like a mirror so I’d understand the parts of me I needed to embrace.” - Nicole Abbot”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“So why the hell do you want me to duck under a fucking ticket counter and hide while you turn into a cowboy on me all of a sudden? Why now, when it really counts?” - Lily Hunt”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“If it were me, I’d have punched her right in the face, I don’t care how good her bloody biscuits are.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“The sadism is part of your charm." - William Maddox”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“He leaned down and kissed me slowly, with the ironic leisure of someone who had nowhere to go.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Sweetheart, insulting the spirits won't win them over. Most astrals aren't as masochistic as I am." - William Maddox”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“I don't care what it seems like," he said. "The only place I'll ever be is here with you.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Remember I'm an Empath before you lie to me." - Lily Hunt”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Abram: .. One [Sentient] often believes it best to choose the higher path over the companionship of another. But, this circumstance draws to mind a point which Seers might forget to easily.Lily: What's that?Abram: That Love is the higher path”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“He [Abram] believes that the PRESENT is the only real thing and everything else is an illusiona distraction”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“I think I’d want to be a tree,” I told him, finally.“A tree? Why’s that?”“Because. Everyone loves a tree.”“Ah.” He nodded. “I see.”“So, what about you? What would you want to be?”“Well, considering your answer, I suppose I’d want to be a boy, sitting on park bench somewhere beside a tree named Nicole.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“ Did I really want predictability? Did I want a never-ending routine that, while always resulting in pleasure, never altered, never faltered? Was he even capable of failing? And with that question, had I truly believed that the possibility of failure was a bad thing? Wasn’t risk the very marrow of life? Never knowing what you were going to get…or how? Never knowing whether it was going to change your entire existence or leave you dejected? ”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Well, there are also prescribed methods for entering a room. Must you always be stealthy like the ninja?'Like the ninja,' he repeated, smirking. “I’m that good, huh?’Come to think of it, you never announce yourself. Just, poof, and "Oh, look, William’s here."'- Lily and William, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Back to the house.'The house?'Yes. You know...the oversized box in which we live?”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Itchy does not equal sexy.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“He smirked and that was it. I propelled myself forward and into his arms, our mouths instantly locking in a frenzied kiss, my hands grasping his collar, his shirt, his hair, his anything.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“You can throw me across the forest but you can't open a lid? - William, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Lily, look and see Narcissus’s true reflection . . . - Abram, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“You have to know by now,' I whispered. 'I trust you more than anyone.' - Lily, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Some things are better left in the shadows. - Christian, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Your attempt at GQ has, tragically, ended in douche-bag. - Anna, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Are you dead?”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Holding on for dear life, I was overcome with the perfect nearness of him, the ache of human solitude nearly conquered.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Kiss me goodbye now. And make it impressive. I have issues with my short term memory. - Lily, Seers of Light”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Seek me not in this place, for we all live on.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“The truth is, I'd give it all up, the sentience, the endowments, and I'd go back to Scranton and work in that damned store and stock fucking Pez dispensers for the rest of my life if it meant that I could still be with you until I die. ”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Like rollover minutes?”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Quit stalling with the good bits!”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“From the beginning, the only thing I couldn’t tolerate about you was how impossible you were to ignore.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“The glass doors stared back at me like a secret passageway, moonlight filtering in and adding to the effect. I swallowed again, my heart pounding. What an exhilarating emotion this was. Exhilarating and terrifying. Nothing had ever made me feel so overwhelmed, so ethereal. Of all the new mysteries in my life, this was the most wrenching. Everything would change now, I knew. (Lily from Seers of Light)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“There seemed to be a purpose in everything—a winding, swaying, knotted, jumbled road that led back to the same door as many times as you needed it to. Until you remembered... (Lily, from Seers of Light)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“You don’t ever expect to fall in love with words. No one can anticipate such a thing. But should it happen, God help you, because it will seem that no existent man is enough; none can equal what you have perfected in your mind.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“No matter the deviation, all things come full circle. You begin and end your journey in the same place, but with a different set of eyes. - Abram”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“If you’re waiting for my good looks to fade... it’s a futile waste of time. Give up at once. - (Christian Wright)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Taking a step forward, I stood in the light, tilted my head back and closed my eyes. It held my face and wrapped its arms around my shoulders, and for the very first time, I let hope in. (Lillian Hunt)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Do you intend to get any closer or is arm's length the new black?”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Sod off, you hopeless prude.”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“There are innumerable paths one may choose in this life- some that, at first, appear flawed. Yet, if lived with love and honesty, they will always render the greatest fruit. They will serve as a lesson to us all. - Abram”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Oh my God, of course she was Lily—and she was sickeningly beautiful. Suddenly, I was even more nauseous than usual. I was going to vomit all over myself and be dubbed hurl-girl for the rest of eternity. I was going to throw up all over Lillian Hunt. - Nicole Abbot”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Close your mouth, Nicole! You may never speak words again for as long as you live!”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Listen, Nicole, I’ve had all I can take of you telling me what I need. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you’re exactly what I need? That maybe, in the middle of all this miserable neck-snapping and repelling and crossing the bloody hell over, all I really want is someone…someone good who will let me be a fucking man? Just a fucking human being with flaws and unenlightened days? Is that too much to ask? That you let me fucking love you, Nicole? Because that’s what I need! That’s all I’d ever need from you. Just to love you. Can you deny me that? - Christian Wright (Whisper of Light)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“The edge of something mostly buried in the sand caught the sun, and I bent to pick up a pearl nautilus. Simple and uncomplicatedly lovely, a pearl nautilus whispered its beauty. It wasn’t showy like a cameo or frog shell, with their twists and nubs and variations. It never competed for attention, but it held and reflected a prism of light that perfectly complimented its surroundings. Someone else may have overlooked a pearl nautilus, but I preferred it. - Nicole Abbot (Whisper of Light)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“Not to worry, Phillip,” Father O’Toole said. “I was just inquiring as to what authority they—” He stopped abruptly, jumping forward as the wall phone came unhinged behind him, dangling by a corner screw.“Huh,” Gil pondered. “Look at that.”“What happened?” Father O’Toole asked.“The phone fell,” Gil answered.“Well, naturally! I’m not blind, young man. I’m asking how the phone fell!”“I blame gravity,” Gil offered. (Excerpt from Whisper of Light)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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“You have no knowledge of my genitalia. - Gilford Boyd (Whisper of Light)”
Jennifer DeLucy
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