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Jennifer Echols

“Tiffany, this is Officer After, who arrested you. Officer After, this is Tiffany Hart, who doesn't remember you.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Why can't he be the prostitute, and I the john?”
Jennifer Echols
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“Feel the chain saw. Be the chain saw.”
Jennifer Echols
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“No matter how careful you are"..."there's always going to be a mess, and you're going to have to clean it up afterward.”
Jennifer Echols
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“No tea for you. How could you do that to John? I got home from the beach at four this morning, and he shows up at eight, distraught, fully armed, waving his nightstick!”
Jennifer Echols
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“On a date, you shared your deep thoughts with each other, but not that deep. We were eating sandwiches, for God's sake.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Finally he said, "I am sorry for it. His mama didn't teach him right." My mama didn't teach me right either, I thought, and I don't act that way. I kept rocking.”
Jennifer Echols
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“It wasn't a pretty sunset. The colors were as expected: violet clouds, bright orange and pink underneath, against the pale blue sky. But the clouds were high cirrus, wispy, and crossed with the contrails of F-16s, a colorful glowing mess. I said, "It looks like God barfed a rainbow.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Why are you pretending to write, when I already know you're just doing that to intimidate me?”
Jennifer Echols
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“And you’re beautiful. You’d have to work pretty hard to mess that up.”
Jennifer Echols
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“He cupped my chin with his big hand and watched me. He breathed hard through his nose. His shoulders heaved way harder than they should have after a few minutesof kissing. I was about to suggest some additional conditioning exercises before football season started. I opened my mouth to tell him.He kissed me again. His tongue passed my lips and played across my teeth. We’d only been kissing like this for a week, but it seemed very natural when I kissed him backthe same way. My body was on autopilot as I reached blindly for his waist and dragged him even closer, his torso skin-to-skin with mine against the tree. Who were we? Iwas turning into any of the assorted older girls who’d been seen leaving the cab of Sean’s truck at night. I’d always viewed those girls with a mixture of awe and derision.Sexual attraction was funny. Lust was hilarious.Now, not so much. Those girls had my sympathy, because I totally got it. I ran my fingers lightly up Adam’s bare back.He gasped.I opened my eyes to see if I’d done something wrong. He still touched the tree, but his muscles were taut, holding on to it for dear life. His eyes were closed. He rubbedhis rough cheek slowly against mine. I had done nothing wrong. He was savoring.I knew how he felt. Tracing my fingernails down his back again, I whispered, “Stubble or what?”Eyes still closed, he chuckled. “I’m not shaving until our parents let us date again.” He kissed my cheek.“What if it takes… a… while?” I asked, struggling to talk.”
Jennifer Echols
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“What I wanted to talk to you about was—”He kissed me. At first he gently touched his lips to mine. e more exciting development was that in order to do this, he’d stepped very close. His chest was an inchfrom mine. I could feel his heat. He tasted of blackberries. He leaned even closer and braced his muscular arms on the tree on either side of me.When he broke the kiss to take a breath, I whispered, “Tree hugger.”He opened his eyes, blue as the afternoon sky, and gave me this look. A combination of amusement and exasperation and hunger. He looked like a teenager making outin the woods. Puzzling through this, I realized that I was gazing at him from the perspective of a six-year-old girl playing army and dodging rubber snakes.But he was this teenager, and so was I. I felt the same need for him that he felt for me, like a force was drawing me forward into his heat. I just didn’t know how to sayit.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Adam found a break through the thicket and up the hill. He turnedaround and extended his hand to help me up.I froze, staring at him in the thick heat, leaves tickling my legs. Boys did not help girls. Not in my experience, anyway. When I was one of the boys, they tromped aheadof me and never once looked back to see if I was still there, much less in need of assistance. Boys had helped me only recently, when they wanted something.No, this walk through the woods would not be innocent.Taking his hand, I said, “Fank woo.”“Hm,” he laughed with his mouth closed.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Her dad brought his hands together and popped a knuckle.“Trevor,” Frances said soothingly, rubbing her hand on his back. But she was looking hard at me over her glasses, telling me upstanding citizens did not act this way.When we were kids, that look from Frances could make Lori and her brother behave, and sometimes even my brothers, but I never seemed to get the message.“I saw you coming out of the woods,” Lori’s dad shouted at me. “Together!”“We weren’t rolling in the leaves or anything. Look, no evidence.” I put my other hand on Lori’s other shoulder and turned her around backward, hoping against hopeshe didn’t have scratches from the tree on her bare back, or bark on her butt.“Get your hands off my daughter.”
Jennifer Echols
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“The instant I saw Lori’s dad and Frances across the hot asphalt road, I spun around, hoping Lori was still hidden by the trees.She stood right behind me, in full view. And if my expression matched hers, we couldn’t have looked more guilty.I turned back around. Her dad’s face was even worse. Glaring at me, he worked his jaw like he was going to say something, but he wanted to make sure he’d thought ofthe worst possible insult first. He turned redder and seemed to swell, like all his holes were plugged up and the pressure had nowhere to escape.He opened his mouth.“It was my fault,” I said quickly.“I know!” he roared.At the same time, Lori stepped in front of me and muttered, “Wrong thing to say, Adam.”“Right.” I put my hand on Lori’s shoulder and pushed her an arm’s length away so it wouldn’t look like I was hiding behind her. “It’s nobody’s fault, because we didn’tdo anything wrong.”
Jennifer Echols
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“I knew I was only getting myself in more trouble. Lori’s dad unballed and balled his fists, daring me to talk back. I was beyond caring. I was right and he was wrong. Isaid, “Of course I’m going to see her. I live next door.”“Not for long,” he shouted. “Lori, go with Frances. Go home.”I balled my own fists then. Now it sounded like Lori was a dog.Lori gave me a wide-eyed warning look, then obediently jogged a few steps forward and walked with Frances toward her house.Her dad turned to me. “You. Follow me.”“Woof,” I said.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Here’s what you did wrong, Adam,” he barked. “I told your parents to make it clear to you that you were not to see Lori again. You did it anyway. at’s what you didwrong.”“But—,” I started.“Shhh,” Lori said beside me.“That’s—,” I started again.“Shut up,” Lori muttered.“—ridiculous,” I finished.“Adam, stop talking,” Lori said.“Adam, stop talking,” Frances repeated.”
Jennifer Echols
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“I don’t want to make her jealous yet,” I explained. “She hasn’t gone out with Sean yet. Right now I want her to feel special, like she’s the only girl I ever introduced tomy secret make-out hideout. It’s only after she goes out with Sean that I’m going to pull the rug out from under her.”“Adam Vader,” Rachel said. “I had no idea you were so sneaky.”“Right. That makes me even sneakier. Deal?”
Jennifer Echols
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“Mrs. Vader shook her head as she picked up a sponge and wiped the counter. “Lori, you need to watch out around these boys.”I was still miffed at her for implying I didn’t have a mind of my own. “Maybe they need to watch out around me.” I had thought this for a while, but I never said it outloud. When I saw the look on Mrs. Vader’s face, I wished I could take it back. “Maybe they do!” Her voice was shrill.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Can you take off your shirt?”I couldn’t see Rachel clearly on the other side of my truck’s cab. My eyes hadn’t yet adjusted to the darkness of my secret make-out hideout. But I could hear herlaughing her ass off. “Not even for Sean.”“Well, we have to make it look good somehow. Do you mind if I take off mine? My dad says I look like sex on a stick with my shirt off.”“Knock yourself out.”I started to pull my shirt over my head. I was used to wearing T-shirts. When it wouldn’t give, I remembered I was wearing something Sean-like. As I unbuttoned it, Iasked, “Want to make a bet how long it takes him to get out here?”
Jennifer Echols
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“Lori, did you and Adam have a fight? I mean, another fight? A humdinger?”I snorted. “No, I’m sobbing in Frances’s lap because she will marry our father someday and bring back the vegi/soy mayonnaise.”“What’s the matter with vegi/soy mayonnaise?” Frances asked.McGillicuddy wrinkled his nose at the memory.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Sean stood there with a mischievous grin, hand still forming a claw. He’d tapped on the door with his fingernails to fool me.I slammed the door in his face.Before the latch caught, the door bounced open again. Cameron stood just behind Sean with the rubber toe of his shoe blocking the door from shutting. “You look likehell,” Cameron said.“I look like Sean.” is was a joke from my darkest memory. If Sean told me I was ugly, I could deflect the insult easily, because he was calling himself the same name. IfCameron told me I was ugly, he was also insulting Sean, and Sean would get revenge on him without me having to do a thing.”
Jennifer Echols
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“What the monkey!” My dad slammed through my door and burst into my room wearing nothing but his bathrobe.We all looked up at him in surprise. “You tell us,” I said.“Oh.” My dad actually looked sheepish. “It’s one o’clock in the morning and I was going to tell you to shut the monkey up and go to bed. I didn’t realize what wasgoing on in here.”“What’s going on in here?” Cameron asked suspiciously.“Maturity.” My dad backed out of the room and closed the door.”
Jennifer Echols
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“I put both hands on his chest and backed him up a pace. The black sky behind him was filled with color. I said, “Go. Hurry. You can still help. You’re missing it.”He pulled me close again and gazed down at me, tracing one finger so tenderly along my cheekbone. His finger was black, and he might be leaving an attractive blackstreak across my skin. I didn’t mind. The way he was looking at me with those light blue eyes, I had never felt more beautiful.He bent his head close to my ear again so I could hear him whisper, “I’m not missing anything”
Jennifer Echols
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“He kissed the corner of my mouth, kissed my cheek, and growled in my ear, “Fireworks or what?”
Jennifer Echols
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“I gave my dad a thumbs-up.He stared at me. My mom turned to him in the car, asking him, What? What is it? He kept staring at me. My brown hair was an even bigger shock for him than I'd expected.I smiled and waved at him and mouthed, "Welcome home."He put his hand to his eyes. He knew I was finally cured.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Talking about your feelings helps you let go of your anger. And it takes a lot of energy to be angry all the time.”
Jennifer Echols
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“A boy who was such a threat to my mental health and happiness should not be so tall.”
Jennifer Echols
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“My brother is a very bad policeman. So . . . you’re coming to school, right?” Doug“Nnnnnnno.” Zoey“Come so you can be around people,” Doug coaxed. “I don’t think you should be alone today.”“I think I definitely should.” Zoey “Come so I won’t worry about you.” Doug ;]”
Jennifer Echols
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“Most people did not think dirty thoughts at a time like this. Only me.”
Jennifer Echols
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“You love your music.""I did when I was trying to shut everything out. Now I'm trying to let everything in.”
Jennifer Echols
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“My mistake was assuming that when I got to college, people would not be such assholes.”
Jennifer Echols
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“The Evil Twin was either Tracey or Casey Reardon. I wasn't sure which one, and no one else seemed to either. All we knew for sure was that the twins were evil. Or, one of them was evil and the other just looked the same.”
Jennifer Echols
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“You think it hurts your feelings that girls talk about you behind your back, until they tell you to your face. And they each wanted a turn. Every time, it started with 'girlfriend' and ended with 'bitch.”
Jennifer Echols
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“And it's time you learnd there's a big difference between your writing and your life. To do it right, your witing takes an incredible amount of work. Your life takes more.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Just be prepared," she said. "When you do come back to live with me, you are SO GROUNDED for calling me the chicken that crossed the road.”
Jennifer Echols
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“I don’t think my memory of that night is ever coming back.”“Do you want me to hit you on the head with a coconut? It works on Gilligan’s Island.”
Jennifer Echols
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“His fingers, frozen in midfidget on his good knee, said PEOPLE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO ASK ME THAT.Either that or I HAVE JUST BEEN SHOT THROUGH THE PAPER SCREEN.He wasn't bleeding.”
Jennifer Echols
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“He fumbled with something in his breeches. She had thought the past few minutes the most intense of her life, but they were nothing compared with the alarm and ashamed delight now rushing through her veins - until she realized he was only bringing out his pocket watch.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Laughing,I poked him for his embarrassingly accurate imitation of my southern accent.He continued in my voice, "Then one day my boyfriend was being an ass and I challenged him to a comp.I had to do a front 1080 off a jump just to show him up,and the rest is history.""I hope so.""I know so." He kissed my cheek.I reached back to run my fingers through his long hair. "Right now I want to lie low,have a normal life,and hang out with my boyfriend. I'll meet you in People in a few years."He chuckled, making my insides sparkle with anticipation. "It's a date.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Yes,I'm seeing someone," Nick said. Standing beside them but hardly acknowledging them.He was watching for my answer on his phone."For how long?" a woman asked."Four years," I heard him say."Aww!" I squealed. Then I turned to Chloe. "Do I want to be in People?""No," she said firmly. "Nick is ot."Gavin frowned and poked her in the side. "Hey."She ducked away from his finger. "Facts are facts. Nick is hot,and when girls read People and see he's dating you,they will call you a skank ho. You and I have mooned over Prince William. We know the deal.”
Jennifer Echols
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“He let go and stood back,eyeing me.I could tell he didn't want to say anything to destroy my confidence,but he was afraid he'd created a monster."Don't worry.I'm ready to play the game." I nodded solemnly."One more thing," he said. "If you do fall-"I cringed. Some pep talk!"-If something terrible happens,you still won't lose everything.Now you have good friends,and nothing will ever change that.You're not that girl.""Oh,Nick." I threw myself at him,literally. He wrapped me in his arms and brushed my hair aside to kiss my forehead again.I squeezed him hard,then drew away and punched him on his padded arm. "Go ahead,and don't break a leg.”
Jennifer Echols
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“And ever so faintly,I could hear Josh rapping to his posse's beat.I couldn't make out most of what he was saying, but I thought I caught the word prepubescent.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Did you know the local tv channels broadcasts your 900 in an endless loop? It's a bunch of video want ads for snowmobiles, then some kind of school crap with Everett Walsh that nobody wants to see over and over,and then you.”
Jennifer Echols
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“And on a personal level,my boyfriend and I love eachother enough,and we have enough respect for each other, that we're bigger than that."I laughed."Nick and I are not bigger than that.We are very,very small." Daisy nodded. "And then,of course, there's the fact that I'm prettier than my boyfriend. He may fly higher,but I look better doing it." She turned around backward. "I mean, even in these snow pants,check out my ass.”
Jennifer Echols
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“I felt confident that she wouldn't find out what a chicken I was,because after the comp,if I hadn't gone off the jump,I would be dead of shame.And if I had gone off the jump,I would be just plain dead.”
Jennifer Echols
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“He grabbed the back of my parka,but I got the distinct impression he was not trying to be a gentleman by helping me out of it.He just wanted his parka back."When you feel cornered,you'll just fling whatever you've got at people, and you don't care who gets hurt with what.""I am not scared." I slid down from the truck seat into Liz's stepdad's galoshes, then turned to face Nick one last time. "I am not scared of boarding or you,and I will prove it to you tomorrow.If you think I'm going easy on you in the comp just because you have a debilitating injury from yesterday-""That's what you think," he snarked. "I've been going yoga.""-you have another think coming.You will buy me those Poser tickets. And I'm not even taking you.You will hand the tickets over to me,and I'll take someone else.""Who? Your little brother's friends?""No,Everett Walsh." I closed the door softly behind me so as not to alarm sleeping adults,because I was that mature.Even through the door and the rolled up window,I could clearly hear every filthy work Nick uttered, ending with, "Everett [cuss word] Walsh."I opened the passenger door. "Ask not for whom the fire-crotch burns;it burns for thee!" I'd meant this to be an insult.Then I realized it sounded like I wanted Nick.Or like I had a feminine problem.”
Jennifer Echols
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“Then Gavin got into his car, and Nick hiked through the snow toward his SUV."Oh,mo," I mumbled through toothpaste. I couldn't let him get away.Not now.I swished,spat,and ran for the front door,pausing only to shove my feet into galoshes owned by some unknown member of Liz's family.Her stepdad,I decided as I tried to run down the snowy front steps. The galoshes were so big,it was like wading in a Tennessee river.”
Jennifer Echols
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“The nurse knocked softly on the door of the examining room and wheeled in a shiny silver tray displaying neatly arranged instruments of torture.”
Jennifer Echols
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“We can't leave the snow all bloody," I told the underside of his chin,shadowed with stubble. "It will scare the tourists.""The new snow will cover it up." He looked down at me."Shhh."Something in his Shhh tugged at my heart. He kept watchiing me,not examining m ear for medical emergencies but looking into my eyes,for a few more steps. I couldn't read his look.He was kind of blurry,for one thing,and I was kind of dizzy. I thought he looked..concerned. Sympathetic. Determined to rescue me from danger. I wished that was what he felt. But it couldn't have been.I was misreading him.”
Jennifer Echols
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