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Jennifer L. Armentrout

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# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Charles Town, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. In early 2015, Jennifer was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and death of cells in the retina, eventually resulting in loss of vision, among other complications. Due to this diagnosis, educating people on the varying degrees of blindness has become of passion of hers, right alongside writing, which she plans to do as long as she can.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Tor, HarperCollins Avon and William Morrow, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her Wicked Series has been optioned by PassionFlix. Jennifer has won numerous awards, including the 2013 Reviewers Choice Award for Wait for You, the 2015 Editor’s Pick for Fall With Me, and the 2014/2015 Moerser-Jugendbuch- Jury award for Obsidian. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA. Her adult romantic suspense novel TILL DEATH was a Amazon Editor’s Pick and iBook Book of the Month. Her young adult contemporary THE PROBLEM WITH FOREVER is a 2017 RITA Award Winner in Young Adult Fiction. She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.

She is the owner of ApollyCon and The Origin Event, the successful annual events that features over hundred bestselling authors in Young Adult, New Adult, and Adult Fiction, panels, parties, and more.

“What's wrong with saving dolphins?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Normal girls didn’t want their boobs mauled either, and I wholly believed if they could’ve landed a fist like I could, they would have.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“That's all I ever need to hear.Those three words?Always those three words”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“She rolled her eyes. "Then what happened?"Rubbing his temples, he glanced at the door. "Bethany and I were making out and something happened that never happened before."Dee leaned back. A look of supreme disgust clouded her pretty face. "Uh, yuck if this is about any kind of premat-""Oh my God, shut and listen, okay?" He dragged a hand through his hair. "we were making out, and I lost my hold on my human form. I lit up like a freaking Christmas tree.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“There were always choices. I’d made a string of bad ones myself. At least I could admit that.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“It was like a scene straight out of Beauty and the Beast. I kept waiting for a teapot to start singing.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“You worry about hurting me, but you never seem to worry about me hurting you. And I’m the one with the killer touch.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“If there is anything, there is us. You and me. No one else.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“seriosly, how good a kisser is daemon? because i imagine he jsut makes you-""lesa!""what? a girls gotta know these kind of things."i bit my lip, flushing."come on, its sharing and caring time.""he...he kisses like he's dying of thirst, and im water.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“I always liked you. From the moment you first flipped me off.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“My brain must have felt sorry for me, so it’d created the only type of guy I could touch—a fantasy one.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Daemon was a total babe, but he was stab-worthy, which at times zeroed out the babe part. Not always, though.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Strange how something good can come from something horrible.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“You know, my sister and I can’t understand what Dawson sees in you. You’re just a silly little human.” His arm shot out so fast it was a blur, picked up a strand of her hair. “And you’re really not even that pretty.”Oh…oh, that stung more than it should have. Tears burned her eyes as she fought to keep her voice level. “I guess it’s a good thing, then. A relationship between us would never work.”His eyes narrowed. “And why is that?”“Because I’m allergic to assholes.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“He paused, his smug grin turning wicked as his eyes met mine. “We could always have sex. I hear that uses up a lot of energy.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“You probably even dream about me.” His gaze lowered to my mouth. I felt my lips part. “I bet you even write my name in your notebooks, over and over again, with a little heart drawn around it.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“The arrogant half smile I disliked so much tipped up one corner of his swollen lips. “You’re barely glowing now.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“His hands slid around my head, pulling me back to his mouth. There was a cracking sound in the house. A fissure of electricity shot through the room. Something smoked. I didn’t care.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“I captured her cheeks, pulling her back to my hungry mouth. Man, I couldn’t get enough of her taste, of how she gave it right back to me on all fronts. Her hands went to the button on my jeans.There was a cracking sound in the house. Most likely something had just went up in flames.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Dee, I think the reason why he stares at me is because he’s planning on ways to kill me and hide my body.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Just because I’m human doesn’t mean I’m weak.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Listen to me, Ember. I couldn’t hurt you. I can’t.” Hayden settled his eyes on me. They were softer than I’d ever seen. “I love you— I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Kat, say something insulting. Come on.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Hayden’s gaze fell to my lips. My heart did a stupid little jump that made me all warm and fuzzy. He liked me— really liked me. Even after seeing my scars. It was like hitting the jackpot of awesome guys.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“His gaze lifted as he leaned in, placing his mouth an inch from mine. The air was sucked right out of the room, and I felt dizzy again. “Ever since I first saw you.” He moved so that his mouth was angled with mine. “And right now I want to so badly it hurts. You have no idea, Em, but I don’t want to hurt you.” My gaze dropped to his parted lips. What would it be like to feel them against my own? Unable to stop myself, I brought my mouth within a hair’s breadth of his. “I want to kiss you, too.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Em, you have a soul.”“How can you be so sure of that, Hayden? How many people die and come back?”“No one dies and comes back. You did because of your sister, and you have a gift. Maybe that played a role in your coming back, but you have a soul. You aren’t evil. There’s nothing you can say that will make me think that.” I looked up and our gazes locked. “And there’s nothing you can say to make me feel differently.” He lowered his eyes. Thick lashes fanned his cheeks. “I know you do, because I wouldn’t want to… to kiss you if you didn’t have a soul.” I froze. “You… you want to kiss me?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“You quoted Oscar Wilde.” I smiled. Hayden laughed. “Yeah, that was, like, the height of geekdom.” “No. It was kind of cool.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“...soft light ate away at the darkness and revealed a rather large room outfitted with a small kitchen, an antique-looking couch, and a… a bed. Nervously, I turned away and folded my arms. The place reminded me more of a love-nest than anything else. Then again, the stockpile of rifles hanging on the wall kind of ruined the cozy feel.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“What are you still doing up?” I twisted around, spotting Hayden in the doorway. “Watching the… uh,” I turned back, frowning at the screen, “the… way tigers mate.” I sighed. Damn you, Discovery Channel. He chuckled deep in his throat. “Didn’t know that kind of thing interested you.”“Oh. Yeah, always wanted to know how they picked their boyfriends.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Ember, he’s not going to—” I pushed off the car. “Please. Hayden, please don’t tell him. I’m all Olivia really has. Please.” My voice cracked, and I looked away, embarrassed. “She’s all I have.” Hayden made a soft noise deep in his throat. Then he clasped my elbows and pulled me right up against him. His arms carefully snaked around my waist, trapping me in a hug. It could have been the bunny. Hell, it could’ve been the last two years that suddenly made me want to stay in Hayden’s embrace. Surely— surely not the way his heat thawed the ice encasing my entire body. Or how hard his chest felt under the sweater… or how perfectly I fit against him. And he was a chivalrous type of guy. Right? He wanted to help me control my gift, as ridiculous as that sounded. Comfort— he offered comfort, and I needed to remember that. His arms around my waist made it hard, really hard to keep that in mind, though. “Okay.” Hayden’s breath stirred the hair around my ear. “Even though I think I should tell him, I won’t. But I will figure out who did this.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“...Cromwell informed me I’d only have the keys to my car once I’d earned his trust back. His trust? Like I was the creeptastic person who whipped kids off the street and collected them like figurines?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Don’t ever touch her again,” Hayden growled.Kurt looked up, eyes wide. “Are you threatening me— over her? I’m like your brother, Hayden!” “Not anymore.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“I could always give you a teaser. You bookish people love teasers, don't you?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“For a brief second, I entertained the idea of ripping off my gloves, rushing down the hall, and jumping on Dustin’s back like a psychotic monkey.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“I admitted. If I was going to hallucinate, then at least it was some hot dude instead of something gross.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“A fine shiver coursed over my skin. “Seth?” “Yeah?” “You were in my dream.” One amber-colored eye opened. “Please tell me we were naked.” I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a perv.” He sighed mournfully as he wiggled closer. “I’ll take that as a no.” “You’d be correct.” Unable to fall back to sleep, I started chewing on my lip. So many worries surfaced at once that my brain spun.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Love of sugar had to mean true love. It just had to.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Hunger gnawed at my stomach, but I was afraid someone would be in the kitchen again. So I found myself staring at the front door. Freedom seemed just a doorknob-turn away.When I did open the door, freedom didn't wait — a half-naked Hayden did.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Bethany." His quiet voice intruded.Her heart turned over heavily. "This is real right?"His face contorted as if he were in pain. "Yes, it's real."Crazy people probably did things like this all the time. Asked their imaginary alien friends if they were real, and of course, they'd say yes.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Smacking his arm lightly, she leaned back. "And Adam is way nicer than his brother.""A rabid hyena is nicer than Andrew," he retorted. "When we were kids, he locked me in an old chest once. Left me there for hours.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“She. Spoke. To. Him. First. It was like winning the lottery, getting laid, and climbing the highest cliff all rolled into one. But he needed to play it cool, becase he was trending into lame-o land at a quick pace.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Jesus. He could see the headlines now. Aliens Among Us. Run!”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Sometimes when someone says something so devastatingly perfect, there isn't a need for a response.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“My gaze dipped and ran over her legs. legs unbelievable long for someone so short... and those shorts were short. tiny pockets, too. Yeah, i was not going after those keys”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“He smiled at me, as innocent as an angel. "I will sit her all day and night. I'll camp out on your porch. and i won't leave. we have all week, Kitten. either get it over with tomorrow and be done with me, or I'll be right here until you agree. you won't be able to leave your house." I gaped at him. "You can't be serious." "Oh, I am.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“What does your bed smell like? Regret and bad taste?”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“My heart yearned for Aiden like he was the very air I needed to breathe, but at the same time I understood - really understood - that, even if Aiden had loved me in return, we could never be together.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“Just so you know, I get incredibly bored quite easily and you will be forced to be my source of entertainment. You'll kind of be like my own personal jester."I flipped him off."Well that wasn't funny at all.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“How are you feeling?"I leaned away from him. "Gross."Aiden frowned. "Gross?""I haven't brushed my teeth or washed my face in days. Don't come near me."He laughed. "Alex, come on.""Seriously, I'm gross." I put my hand over my mouth.Ignoring my protests, he leaned over and brushed my string hair back. "You're as beautiful as always, Alex."I stared at him. He must not get out much.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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“The alien in my uncle hand obviously taken full control. Soon, it would claw its way out of his stomach and tap dance across my bed”
Jennifer L. Armentrout
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