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Jennifer Lynch

“Sometimes, life is about what happens before death.”
Jennifer Lynch
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“We’re like everyone else, I guess. We promise that something is forever, when it is really only as long as it takes for us to tire of it.When she walked away, and out of the door, it was like she was leaving forever.”
Jennifer Lynch
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“He swore his love to me again and again until he finally realized that I cannot love anything right now. Falling in love is like holding a white flag out to your enemies and saying, “we give up, we’re in love.” Love is surrender.”
Jennifer Lynch
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“I told him I didn’t want to hurt him, or anyone else. I just feel that sometimes I am better company only to myself, because of what is happening in my life, than I am or would be to anyone else.”
Jennifer Lynch
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“Sometimes I think life would be so much easier if we didn’t have to think about being boys or girls or men or women or old or young, fat or thin… if we could all just be certain we were the same. We might be bored, but the danger of life and of living would be gone.”
Jennifer Lynch
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