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Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She holds a masters in English Literature and lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley in upstate New York. Her family keeps her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. Her passions include horse racing, Scrabble, rescue dogs, Italian food, and wine—not necessarily in that order.

She is the NYT, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, spent 26 weeks on the NY Times. Her work has been translated in over a dozen countries, sold over a million copies, and was dubbed a "romance phenom" by Kirkus Reviews. She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases at Sign up of her newsletter at for a free book.

“The karmic cycle, when someone screws up really bad and hurts you. Our first instinct is to hurt back, or refuse to forgive.”
Jennifer Probst
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“You will serve your husband dinner tonight by your own hand....not because you are beneath him...because you are more.”
Jennifer Probst
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“My name might be similar, but I'd never say 'Laters, baby.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Nothing wrong with curves on a woman.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I'm tired of females who order a salad, then look as if they deserve a medal. A good meal is a gift.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I just didn't care. I told you I don't like animals." She gave a snort, then settled back to silence. Cross another quality from her list. Earth Mother Sucked.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I just didn't car. I told you I don't like animals." She gave a snort, then settled back to silence. Cross another quality from her list. Earth Mother Sucked.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I love you, Alexa. I want you and I want our baby. I want this ridiculous hound dog because I've grown to love him, too. I also figured out what I don't want. I don't want to live my life without you. I don't want to be alone anymore. And I don't want to believe I deserve not to have you. And I swear to God, I'll spend the rest of my life making this up to you. - Nicholas Ryan”
Jennifer Probst
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“She had so much to give, but no one to give it to. She buried all those messy, writhing emotions deep in a hidden secret place and pretended it was okay.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I’m not a poet. But my wife is. She taught me to look for the extraordinary in the simplicity. She taught me about emotion, and truth, and second chances. You see, I never realized a person can keep giving everything with no thought to take. Alexa, you changed my life, but I was too afraid to reach for it. I believed I wasn’t good enough. Now I realize the truth.”
Jennifer Probst
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“She was the most loyal, forgiving, headstrong, passionate woman he’d ever met in his life, and he was madly in love with her”
Jennifer Probst
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“There’s nothing worse than not being wanted”
Jennifer Probst
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“It was funny how heartbreak turned into great art.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Family sticks together no matter what happens.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Connections only caused a ripping pain no one deserved.”
Jennifer Probst
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“You really are a bastard, aren't you? Christian Grey has nothing on you.My name might be similar, but I'd never say "Laters, baby.”
Jennifer Probst
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“My Maggie, mia amore, I love you. I want to live with you, grow old, and have bambinos with you. You wrecked me. Completely … You belong with me.”
Jennifer Probst
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“You are an amazing woman, Maggie Ryan.” He gazed deep into her eyes and told the truth. “Stay with me.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Let me be clear, la mia tigrotta. I’m taking you to bed. I’m going to strip off your clothes, bury myself deep inside you, and make you come so many times the only word from your lips will be my name, begging me to do it all over again.”
Jennifer Probst
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“You need to be strong on your own before you can be strong with someone else.”
Jennifer Probst
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“His ministrations were tender, his eyes hooded as he seemed to withhold certain emotions from her. She allowed him his secrets, and took what he gave with a greed that shocked her with its intensity. But he never had to know. He never had to glimpse how deeply she felt for him, or discover the secret she had always suspected and finally admitted to herself.She loved him.Completely. Every part of him, good and bad, her friend and lover and partner and rival. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, giving him everything, even though she knew he didn’t want her. She crammed the knowledge to a secret place in- side. Then realized she’d take whatever he gave, even though it would never be enough.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Alexa realized she’d always confessed everything to Maggie except for one event. The first time Nick kissed her. She’d known she loved him back then. Friendship turned to rivalry and then to a girlish crush. That first kiss twisted emotions so pure within her she believed it was love. Her heart beat for him, full of joy at the possibility of them being together, so she uttered the words, her voice echoing through the trees.“I love you.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He remained silent, and she gentled her voice. “I never planned for this. I never planned to make this a real marriage. But I love you, Nick. I’ve just been waiting for the right time to tell you. And I’m sorry I sprung it on you like this, but I didn’t want to wait. Please say something. Anything.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He reached out and gripped her upper arms. His fingers closed around something silky and he shook her slightly. “Unreasonable? Unreasonable? It’s the middle of the night and I’m standing in a room full of dogs,talking about a stupid movie!”“It’s not stupid. Why couldn’t you be more like Ralph Kramden from the Honeymooners? Sure, he was loud and obnoxious, but he saved the whole shelter of dogs when he found out they would be destroyed. Why can’t you be more human?”“The friggin Honeymooners, now? That’s it, I’ve had enough. You are going to pack up every one of those dogs and take them back to the shelter right now, or God help me, Alexa, I’ll get rid of them myself!”“I won’t do it.”“You will.”“Make me.”“Make you? Make you?” His fingers twisted around a wad of silky, satiny fabric as he fought for a shred of control. When the haze finally cleared his vision, Nick blinked and looked down. Then realized his wife was naked. Her lime-green robe had slid down over her shoulders and now gaped open. Her sash slipped unnoticed to the floor. He expected to catch a glimpse of some lacy negligee made to incite a man’s lust. He got much more.Jesus, she was perfect.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Odd choice of a word, isn’t it? Fish is either singular, or plural. Imagine my surprise when I walked in the study and found not one fish in a tiny fish bowl, but an entire aquarium.”She practically vibrated for the need to fight. “Otto was lonely and you were practicing animal cruelty. He was too isolated. Now, he has friends and a place to swim.” “Yes, nice little tunnels and rocks and algae to play hide and seek with his buddies.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Did you feed the fish?”Nick closed his eyes. “Alexa, I’m working.” She made a rude snort. “So am I. But atleast I worry about poor Otto. Did you feed him?”“Otto?”“You kept calling him Fish. That hurt his feelings.”“Fish don’t have feelings. And yes, I fed him.”“Fish certainly do have feelings. And while we’re discussing Otto, I wanted to tell you I’m worried about him. He’s placed in the study and no one ever goes in there. Why don’t we move him into the living room where he can see us more often?”
Jennifer Probst
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“The breath whooshed out of her lungs and she swayed as her feet cut out on her. She expected a precise, controlled kiss to calmly show her mother they were lovers. Instead she got hot testosterone and raw sexual energy. She got warm lips melded over hers. His teeth nipped. His tongue burrowed in- side and plunged in and out with sheer command, bending her back over his arm to take every last drop of her resolve.”
Jennifer Probst
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“The tiny motion was lost on his wife, who warmed herself in front of the fire with two wounded, lost souls beside her. She gave for no gain of her own, no goal she needed to reach. Love was not a price but something she owned inside and shared freely... The woman who was his wife was a fierce, proud creature who both shattered and humbled him, and he realized in the glimmer of firelight, that he loved her.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I was afraid I had nothing to give. But I do. And I want to give it all to you.”
Jennifer Probst
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“The List.The love spell...A man with a sense of loyalty.A man with a sense of family.A man who is a good lover.A man who can be my friend.A man who can challenge me.A man I can confess my secrets to.A man I can trust.A man with confidence.A man with an open heart.A man who will fight for me.A man who can love me exactly as I am.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Hell, at this rate she’d end up in the mental institution by the end of the year. Cause: Celibacy.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Her full breasts strained against the material as if dying to escape, turning her respectable business suit into a vehicle for a stripper. Horrified at the sudden veer of his thoughts, he quickly imagined nuns in underwear and got himself back in control.”
Jennifer Probst
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“I suck at it? You’re acting like this is some stupid play you’ve put together for the neighbors. This is real life, and I’m doing the best I can.” “My plays were not stupid. We made a lot of money in admission tickets. I thought Annie was excellent.” He snorted. “You can’t even sing and you cast yourself as Annie.” “You’re still pissed because I wouldn’t let you play Daddy Warbucks.” He plowed ten fingers through his hair and made a noise deep in his throat. “How the hell do you get me on these ridiculous subjects?”
Jennifer Probst
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“Do you have a favorite team?”He smirked. Literally smirked. “There's only one New York team.”Alexa fought past the nausea and asked the question.“Which one?”“The Yankees, of course. It’s the only team that wins. It’s the only team that matters.”
Jennifer Probst
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“The Mets have heart and character, and I need a man who can root for the underdog. I refuse to sleep with a Yankees fan.”
Jennifer Probst
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“It's always been you. I don't want anybody else; I don't dream about anybody else. It's only you.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He surged upward and paused at her entrance. “Look at me, Alexa.” Half drugged, she opened her eyes and gazed at the man she loved with every part of her being, waiting for him to claim her, waiting to take anything he could give. “It’s always been you.” He paused as if to be sure she heard and understood the words. Intensity gleamed within amber depths. He gripped her fingers, as if trying to speak beyond words. “And it will always be you.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He tenderly mated his tongue with hers, stroking, tracing the swollen flesh of her lips in an action that bespoke pure humbleness. And when he opened his eyes and looked into hers, she sucked in her breath as he finally let her in, let her see it all, and gave her what she needed. The truth. “It’s always been you. I don’t want anybody else, I don’t dream about anybody else. It’s only you.” She cried out as he buried himself to the hilt inside of her. Her body opened and accepted his swollen length, hugged him deep and demanded more.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He closed the distance another tight inch. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and her nipples were hard little points stabbing out of the scarlet material, begging to be freed. Her breath came in ragged gasps, her perfume swamped his senses. He grew hard, and her eyes widened as his full length throbbed against her leg in demand. “I’m calling your bluff, baby.” Pure shock registered on her face as he removed one hand from the wall to casually unbutton his shirt, slide off his tie, then grasp her chin with a firm grip. “Prove it.” He stamped his mouth over hers, not giving her a chance to think or back off or push him away. He invaded her mouth, plunging his tongue inside the slick, silky cave, then closed his lips around the wet flesh and sucked hard. She grabbed for his shoulders, and made a little moan deep in her throat. Then she exploded.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Nick knew the moment she realized her robe had dropped. Knew when the knowledge she was naked hit her full force. Watched her lips purse a small circle of horror right before sanity hit to make her reach for the robe.Nick used his two-second time span to make a decision.Her fingers started to yank up the material when he blocked her motion, lowered his head, and stamped his mouth over hers. Shock held her immobile and he used the time to his advantage. One quick thrust parted her plump lips and allowed him entry—entry to every slick, feminine heated corner of her mouth. Drugged on the taste of her, he circled her tongue with quick, urgent strokes, begging her to give it all back to him.And she did.Full power.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Nick stood alone and watched her.A strange emotion bubbled up inside of him. Since he’d never experienced it before, he couldn’t seek out a name. There was little left in life that touched him, and he admitted he liked it that way.Tonight, something changed.”
Jennifer Probst
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“She waited as he perused the room, skated over her, stopped, then came slowly back.Their eyes met.Alexa hated clichés, and what she hated most was becoming one. But at that moment, her heartbeat thundered, her palms sweated, and her belly dipped and plunged as if on a rollercoaster ride. Her body went on full alert, begging him to come to her, promising him surrender. If he told her to go home, get in bed, and wait for him, Alexa was sure she’d follow his instructions.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He’d been ready to push her away, and then she’d grabbed him at her mother’s call. Wasn’t his fault he gave in to instinct to save their ruse.Until her hot, wet mouth opened under his. Until her sweet taste swamped his senses, and the maddening scents of vanilla and spice made him want to howl at the moon. He finally knew she approached sex the same way she approached anger—no holds barred—no prisoners taken. Demanding. Punishing. Passionate.”
Jennifer Probst
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“She expected a precise, controlled kiss to calmly show her mother they were lovers. Instead she got hot testosterone and raw sexual energy. She got warm lips melded over hers. His teeth nipped. His tongue burrowed inside and plunged in and out with sheer command, bending her back over his arm to take every last drop of her resolve.”
Jennifer Probst
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“Your mother’s coming,” he said.“I know—she probably heard us arguing. Do something!”“What?”“Anything!”“Fine!” He grabbed her around the waist, dragged her body flush against his, and ducked his head. His lips crushed hers as his hands wrapped around her tightly so they were plastered against each other, hip to hip, thigh to thigh, breasts to chest.”
Jennifer Probst
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“[...] Some parts were totally inappropriate. The corded length of his arms. The broad shoulders and chest that stretched and molded the fabric. The deep bronze of his skin as if he had been lying in the sun for hours. The animal litheness of his movements. He had grown up, and he was no pretty boy. Nick Ryan was all hot-blooded man—and still looked at her as Maggie’s little playmate.”
Jennifer Probst
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“[Rick] “Tara.”The sound of his voice snapped her away from the memories. His command brooked no argument as he looked up from between her spread thighs.“Eyes on me.”His voice told her not to think, dominated every part of her soul, until she couldn’t fight him, and she slipped firmly back into the present.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He wanted to make her scream with delight, to cry his name as she orgasmed until she couldn’t remember the last time another man ever laid a hand on her. Possessiveness was not a natural part of him, but he didn’t fight the urge. Instead, he embraced the basic male tendency to hunt. Conquer. Claim.”
Jennifer Probst
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“[Rick] “Do you know how beautiful you are?”Disbelief shimmered in her eyes. “Thank you, but—”He closed the distance between them. She gasped as he grabbed her hand and laid it on his straining erection. “This is what you do to me. From the moment I laid eyes on you I wanted you. By the end of the night, you’re going to believe it, sweetheart. Make no mistake.”
Jennifer Probst
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“He waited one beat. Two.She lifted her head.A strange longing rose up and caught him in a chokehold. Her eyes widened as they locked with his. The anxious worry he glimpsed deep in their depths caused a protectiveness to surge from within. His second thought centered on what she would look like when he thrust deep inside her and brought her to orgasm.He hardened instantly. Son of a bitch. It was going to end up being an interesting night after all.”
Jennifer Probst
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