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jennifer turner

“You, alone, chose and accepted responsibility for your path, and that is why you will leave this chamber on your own two feet.”
jennifer turner
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“The soul forgets nothing. You must find a way to move beyond it.”
jennifer turner
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“She smoothed the long sleeve of her tight, orange t-shirt. “What? You’ve never seen a woman wear more than one shirt before?” Odin’s mouth closed and opened a few times before words finally came out. “She’s like a fuckin’ seven layer burrito someone forgot was in the back of the fridge for six months.” She had to laugh. How could she not with such vivid imagery coming from someone who dressed like he was going on an unholy crusade at any moment?”
jennifer turner
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“Only one comment seemed to perfectly fit her current situation. “I see dead people.”He leaned forward hands on his hips. “Me too. It’s the only explanation for what’s standing in front of me. Unless some high school kids broke into the anatomy closet and stole the classroom skeleton, stretched some cadaver skin over that bitch then cast an ancient ritual to animate it.” She laughed. For as much as she now disliked the bastard she had to admit he was amusing. “Did they do the same to that shit you’re wearing? You do realize it’s 2008 right?” She raised a hand. “Wait let me see if I can reach you using your own language. You do ken ‘tis year of our Lord two thousand and eight aye?”
jennifer turner
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“I like to think it's a nice trade off for wanting to kill everything. And, I do suck...but only for you and only if you ask nicely."~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“How many strokes does it take?""One. Two. Three.""Four. Five...""Six.""Seven. Eight.""Nine.""What if Daddy. Ten. Finds out what I did. Eleven. To his innocent little girl?""Twelve.""This is what you do to me. Feel it. Thirteen.""Fourteen.""Do What he says, Toni. Fifteen. Come."His heated lips curved against her ear. "Fifteen it is."~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“Damn, you kill a few people here and there and suddenly everyone thinks you're a trouble maker."~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“There's no bed in here. No threat that we'll do something we can't take back. Just two minutes we'll probably never have again...two minutes where we can both stop pretending the scars we can see are the only ones we have."~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“What?" his gruff voice scolded. "You were expecting to see Drake Junior?"He clucked his tongue at her."You have'nt even bought me dinner yet."~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“Even though my finger will probably get all infected now and swell up like a bloated corpse, I want you to know that I'll probably forgive you someday."He slid his hand down her arm and squeezed her fingers tight."But today's not your day...and tomorrow ain't lookin' too good either."~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“The last place my fingers need to be is anywhere near your mouth. You've already proven you're a biter.~Drake”
jennifer turner
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“testosterone driven penile fever”
jennifer turner
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“His gaze fell to her lips then lingered on her neck."As you so invitingly put it, I'd be too busy chewing on people."~Kerestyan”
jennifer turner
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“I've been with Mr. Locke for several hundred years now." He tossed her a wink. "I should hope in that time he would share with me his undead state. Had he not, I would have been rather perplexed as I celebrated 100 years of age and still looked 45.”
jennifer turner
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“There's a moment when you realise all your worst fears have come true. When the fat girl stuffing her face in the corner finally recognises food gives her the comfort she can't find in anyone else. When the gorgeous man with the body of a god realises he changes women like shoes because he's scared one won't find enough reason to stay. When you see the world for what it really is, see it for all the horrors the news can't or won't report. There's a moment when you realise and accept that you are the worthless piece of shit your father always said you were, because even a diseased crack-head wouldn't kill their own sister. It was a moment Kerestyan, a defining epiphany of imperfection.”
jennifer turner
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“Logan licked a glob of strawberry jelly from her lower lip and smiled upat Odin. Only one comment seemed to perfectly fit her current situation. “Isee dead people.”He leaned forward, hands on his hips. “Me, too. It’s the only explanationfor what’s standing in front of me. Unless some high school kids broke intothe anatomy closet and stole the classroom skeleton, stretched some cadaverskin over that bitch then cast an ancient ritual to animate it.”
jennifer turner
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“Character is not measured by moments of success; it is measured by the grace in which you move through adversity. ~ Stefan Nelek”
jennifer turner
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“You were expecting to see Drake Junior?" He clucked his tongue at her. "You haven't even bought me dinner yet.”
jennifer turner
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“There aren’t any cobwebs on my dick. Besides, just because I don’t stick it in every woman who walks by, doesn’t mean I don’t use it. I’m selective, where as you…you’re just a man whore.“I am not a whore! Just because I happen to love women, and they love me back – doesn’t make me a whore.” “Maybe it’s your dusty penis that scares women away.”
jennifer turner
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“Dude, the whole Drakecoming out of the closet routine is getting old. Get some new material. ~ Drake”
jennifer turner
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“It tastes like… like…chocolate coveredass.”
jennifer turner
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“If you want to watch me shake like the owner of aChinese buffet when two six hundred pound men walk through the doors, byall means, stick around. ~ Logan”
jennifer turner
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“No! Don’t feed it. It’ll never leave! ~ Odin”
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“You brought one home thatcan still talk? ~ Odin”
jennifer turner
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