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Jennifer Varnadore

Jennifer Megan Varnadore published her first short story “An Angel’s Misery” on Kindle in May of 2011. It is the story of two star-crossed lovers on the planet Thain, and the lengths they go to for their love. She also created a devotional for husbands on October 16th 2012. (It has since been retracted from view to be revised for future republication.)

She published her first Poetry collection on May 21, 2012. It was called “paper hearts and cigarette mistakes.” Her poetry novel “like we were wallflowers” was published in October of 2012. Her third poetry novel "Moonlit Ice" was published on July 29, 2021.

She is often far more notable for her quotes than her writings, which can be found throughout the interwebs.

“The minds of others are stranger depths to employ our hearts to than our own wonderland of cerebral cortex.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“My tongue is a scalding whiplash. I'm tired of hurting others with it, the way they have hurt me. I've always despised the practice, so once more I'll bite my words back, though the injustice served deserves each backlash of every one.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Meet me where the interstate ends, and the road takes turns trying to figure out which way to go. If you take the right way don't leave me behind, because all I can remember is the persistence in your eyes. You won't come back home again. If you take the left way don't look too far ahead, and never look behind you, because I'll always be right here beside you.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Non carborundum et non servium. - I will not bow and I will not serve (Latin)”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“She's a russian roulette queen, gambling in love with her heart and life on the line”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Scientifically, Love is a chemical reaction in your brain toward someone else. Your pupils dilate, breathing catches, and your heart beats faster as your mind goes into overdrive. Spiritually, true love is your soul's recognition of its counterpart in another person. No reasoning, because there is none. We all know what love is. Most of us just don't know how to love.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Love can destroy or create all things, depending on whose hands wield the emotion, and whose heart gets in the way. I regret nothing I've felt in the past, for it got me to where I am now, nor do I regret what I feel now. I regret the devastation that comes with the passage of time, but I do not regret you. Nor will I ever.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“If I could hold your heart I would keep it safe. Even when I trip and fall, and even when I break down, I would hold your heart close to mine, so it doesn't see the same damage. When I bruise my knees and scrape my palms you'll never have to fear, and even if I cry, I promise, you won't need to shed a tear. Love is everlasting. Loyalty is intertwined with faith. As long as you want me I will be here, standing with my palms out, waiting with my heart plain in my eyes, and a smile on my face.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Gotta love the memories you make with others. It impacts you as a person. You never know where life will throw you, but you always have that to look back on.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“It's that moment when you know you're falling and the ground is there beneath you, and it hits you that you're going to hit the ground, and then suddenly you stop, and you look up and they are there looking at you, surprised that they did it too. They caught you, and you're not falling anymore. You're safe. Yeah...being with you is like that.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“When you don't think you can feel is when you learn you can smile until it hurts, and love until you're too scared to say it, because you need someone who loves you enough to look you in the eyes and say, 'You're beautiful the way you are It'll be ok. You're worth something.' because sometimes you forget. It's easier to believe when they say it. If you believe, it means that they matter to you. You want to bare your soul to them. Give them everything it takes to let you fall, and pray to God that they are there to catch you.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“If you do not like what someone says, stand up and challenge them by saying what you feel. Be the change that you want to see in the world around you.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“I admire someone who in the literal sense can say, 'If it is broken, I can fix it. If it's lost I can find it. IF you fall, I can catch you.' because if you can say it in the literal sense, you can mean it in the figurative sense. The littlest things can change the world. A smile can save someone's life, and a hand freely given when you have nothing to give other than yourself, can mean the world to someone else”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Love is seeing someone for who they are, and for all the things that they don't know they can be. Sometimes it's neither seeing things as good or bad, but seeing them as aspects that create the being. If you cannot love someone for all of the things that create their personality, then you'll find it hard to love them at all. I can be everything or nothing, but I cannot love without you.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“Sometimes the hardest story to tell is your own”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“I don't want a man who stands in front of me, because all I see is his back. I don't want a man to stand behind me, because I'd have to dwell on the past just to see his face. I want a man that stands beside me. An equal that holds my hand through whatever mountains and oceans we may cross. Someone who I can trust. I just want your love.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“When the world is at your back, and your heart is at your feet...the best way to go on is to just "be".”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“i think i love fire and ice by robert frost not because it deals with the end of all things, but because it deals with love. love can destroy all things when you have it, or it can destroy all things when you do not. it can either save you, or kill you. there are many kinds of love: the love with someone who fits you, and meets all of your needs. this can create a contentment that makes you happy and full. there is a more dangerous form of love. this love is kin to obsession, possession, and desire. you cannot breathe without their beings there. you cannot think, but of them. they plague you, and creep into everything you do until you despair of it. then one day you realize, not only did losing them create the most beautiful way of finding who they truly were, but it created you as you are. they made you something greater than you were. love is sickness, but it is the kind of sickness that makes life worth living. you realize that not only can you now live with them, but you can live without them, and you can stand beside them, while letting them have their freedom. The deep desire to hold them higher sits so deep in your soul that you would give your life to have them be no one other than the person you have come to see them as. faults and all, because no they aren't perfect, but who should be?”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“No one is perfect. Sometimes, it is the imperfections that make us more alive than those around us. It’s the happiness of truly breathing and living in freedom of ourselves. Even though we may look broken to the world, there is always someone who sees us as we truly are, and helps us to create our whole being.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“I love when people quote me. It makes me feel that my words have meaning. People give words power. When they speak out for things they feel, we all become alive.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“In life there are good and bad situations. But when you are down in the valley looking up at the mountain, sometimes you realize that you can see the stars a little clearer. You realize what's truly important and you know exactly what must be done to keep it just like it is.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“[no matter] wherever you are, [here] I am content.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“When it is easier to do wrong, it is harder to do right, but best to not do nothing at all.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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“I know that there will always be someone who won't get the stories, or who won't like them. You cannot please everyone, unfortunately. It won't stop me from writing. Nothing can do that, because it has always been my passion.It's like the stories live inside of me, and they project onto the page through my typing and my pencil. I can see them play like movies on a screen, and to me, they are beautiful.”
Jennifer Varnadore
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