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Jenny B. Jones

Four-time Carol Award winner Jenny B. Jones writes contemporary romance with wit, sass, and Southern charm. Since writing for both women and teens leaves her with very little free time, she believes in spending her spare hours in meaningful, intellectual pursuits, such as watching E!, going to the movies and inhaling large buckets of popcorn, and writing her name in the dust on her furniture.

“Sugar Lips, you have a guest in the fourth dimension. I repeat, you have a guest in the fourth dimension. This is Tijuana Daddy, over and out. ~Julian”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Maybe you should stop going by want you feel. He opened my hand and pressed the flower in my grip. And start going by what you know is truth.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“And my bleak heart became a little more his.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“You can't walk on water holding all that weight, it just makes you sink right down. Let it go.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“So the line's clogged up. Sometimes when we get bad mobile reception, we don't know if it's or line or the other person's. Hard to tell. So much interference with our signal these days... perhaps you weren't truly listening.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Don't hang on to old hurts. You can spend your years blaming God, blaming other people. But in the end it was a choice.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Make me proud my little first-grader" he said, fist pumping robbie "and, remember rule number one above all""Right" he replies "don't talk politics”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Because you will never, ever have the life God’s planned for you as long as you’re holding on to that fear. You can’t swim to shore if you never let go of that life preserver.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“What’s hard is not having that hope. I can’t imagine going through bad times without that peace. Without that surrender, life just eats you up. Spits you out. Wears you down to nothing.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“God, why can’t I get over this? I’ve conquered so many things, met so many challenges head-on. Yet today just proved…some things you can never leave behind.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Do you have something to surrender today? Do you need God to meet you in the fire like he did those three men? Because sometimes you have to step out on faith into something that’s gonna scare you so bad, your hair’s gonna stand and you’re gonna be crying for your mama before God pulls you through the other side.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Wow. Being responsible sure takes it out of you. This calls for a Pop-Tart.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“God, what is wrong with me? I've been watching too much Gossip Girl. Reading too many snarky books. Maybe I should listen to a bunch of Christian music or watch some Hannah Montana with Budge. I know, I'll view VeggieTales until the evil is purged out of me, and all the comes out of me is goodness, light, and songs about cucumbers.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Budge and I were sworn enemies from day one. But ever since the day I lifted the lid on the craziness that killed his best friend last fall, Budge has been extremely nice to me. We talk all the time. Like last week he said, "Hey, moron, can you pass the milk?" That's some good progress.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Make me proud today, Robmeister. Keep your hands to yourself and remember rule number one above all things.''Don't discuss politics.''No, the other one.'Robbie nods. 'Don't eat glue.' He drops his chin. 'It's my weakness.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."Words written in red, circled by Will. And lived."Jesus, I’ve listened to the lies too long. They’ve filled my head and led me on a long chase of things that don’t matter. I bought into what Satan was feeding me until barely recognized my own face in the mirror. It took Will’s death and Lucy’s leaving to show me where my priorities should be.I want to live for you.I just . . . want to live.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“When I look at you, I still see the son I love more than my own life. But I also see a man who has become so far removed from what matters that his perception is skewed. Family is real, son. A home to settle into—that’s real. People who love you and care about you. You’ve had a phenomenal career, and I’m proud of you. But it’s time to stop basing your worth on championships and endorsement deals. You can’t buy happiness. You can’t earn it. God isn’t counting all the deals you’re racking up—and neither is your family.” He lifted his brow. “And neither is Lucy. For the first time someone’s looking at the person inside—and you have to decide if you’re going to let her in and be the man she needs you to be.” His father turned his head toward a family picture on the mantel. “It’s a risk. But one I’ve never regretted.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“You can’t buy happiness. You can’t earn it. God isn’t counting all the deals you’re racking up.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Life can be hard in the real world.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“I love it when God takes a big stirring spoon to plans. That's when life gets good.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“She just asked me to pick her up some tampons and a Yoo-Hoo." ~Alex Sinclair”
Jenny B. Jones
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“God, I don't know what lies ahead or what will happen next. But you're going to be there, aren't you? Even when the world tricks me into thinking you're not. Things are going to be different. *I'm* going to be different. And I'm going to get it right this time.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“With the way all the girls are looking at you, I might never get my chance.' I glanced behind us. 'Heck, even that big boy in the blue suit over there is watching you like candy.''It's possible I might've offered him a slow dance.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“His, sis, guess what? You're going to be an aunt! Lucy and I just found out we're having a baby. If it comes out screaming, we're naming it after you. Much love, Alex”
Jenny B. Jones
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“You can talk to your old dad about anything, you know. Except boys. And bras. And that Bieber fellow.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“- We don't even like each other.- I pretty much can't stand you.And then his lips crushed to mine.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“This is Ireland, Finley. It's rough. It's wild. And it is holy.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Filming wraps up next week, then I’m officially retiring my fangs.”“Girls’ hearts will be shattered.”He tipped up my chin, and his steady gaze locked on mine.“I’m only worried about one girl’s heart.” Oh. My”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Finley, would you get Beckett something to drink, please?” Beckett caught my less-than-pleasant expression.“Water will be fine. Not too much ice. Add a slice of lemon.” He reached for my hand and electric currents blazed up my arm. “And don’t spit in it.”“That’s a lot to remember. You’ll understand if I forget at least one of those commands.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“The least you could do is offer a little conversation.” Beckett dodged a pothole, keeping his eyes on the road.“You want me to talk?”“It would be the polite thing to do.”“Okay. Let’s talk.”“Any topic will be fine.”“I’m going to sit here and silently think of one. Might take a while.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“You sounded down on the phone yesterday. You can talk to your old dad about anything, you know. Except boys. And bras. And that Bieber fellow.—Dad”
Jenny B. Jones
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“The boy was a trained actor, letting me see only what he wanted me to.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“I see who I am reflected in your eyes. I know what you think about me. But what if I told you, you were wrong?”
Jenny B. Jones
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“The air stilled, suspended with unspoken words, heavy thoughts, and two people who couldn't look away from one another.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Lucy almost killed a man during dinner”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Can you tell me what happened?"Her lips thinned as she shook her head. "'Tis not a happy tale.""You have me reading a book about a girl who tries to kill an entire town. Anything else at this point would be a pick me up.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Sorry, Christina, both my parents have gotten married within six months. I just need some time to adjust." oh, and plus, i don't like you.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Beckett Rush spotted in London Saturday. 'Tinseltown's It Boy reportedly had three dates with three different girls at La Trattoria... all over the course of six hours. Two ladies discovered the duplicity, and catfight broke out. Taylor Risdale broke up the fight before storming out. Beckett's camp could not be reached at the moment.'" Mr. Rush laughed. "You know what this means, right?""That once again my name is trashed.""That your DVD sales will spike at least 5 percent.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“God isn't exactly hanging out with me these days.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“When I get to heaven one day, I'm going to ask God how it's possible that time moves so much quicker on the weekends than on school days.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“STEELE MARKOVI'm trapped. In this vampire body. In a world that doesn't understand me. I don't want immortality... I want my freedom.Fangs in the Night scene 5, page 24Fierce Brothers Studios”
Jenny B. Jones
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“If I'm going to be your bloomin' tour guide, I'm gong to do it right." He held out his hand."Do you think I'd take you somewhere dangerous?""You bite people for a living.""Don't be a chicken.""If you push me over the edge, my parents will be seriously ticked."He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. "They'll probably send me a thank-you note.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“That will give me time to hang out with Finley." His thin eyebrows waggled. "Show her what a real man can do with Legos.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Do you realize what a special assignment you have here?"I just stared at her. Special assignment would me like interviewing Lady Gaga. This was just cruel and unusual torture.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“I'm sorry for Cathleen. She can be... difficult." Two-year-olds were difficult. That woman was a terrorist.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“This isn't what I expected.""What?-Life?”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Dig deep into that cold, callous heart of yours, Frankie.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“I'm about to as you a favor."And I'm about to tell you no.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“My sock cut off my circulation, my uniform sweater itched, and my underwear seemed to be staging some sort of revolt to make me as uncomfortable as possible.And this were the good points of the day.”
Jenny B. Jones
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“Dream about me while you're in school.""Would that be with or without your false teeth?"He gave me a slow wink. "They're fangs.""Kind of sad you have to use props to get the girls.""It's absolutely tragic, isn't it?" His smile reached his eyes. "Be sure to put me on your prater list.”
Jenny B. Jones
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