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Jenny Davidow

Jenny Davidow's new book,

Your Mindful Journal and Memoir: Open the Floodgates to Your Creativity

is the culmination of over fifty years of journaling, inner exploration, and mindful practice. With dozens of original Journal Experiments and Memoir Weaves, Jenny guides you step by step to free yourself from the dictates of your inner critic and enter into imaginative and spontaneous self-expression. Each page becomes a pearl that you can place into a luminous string of pearls – your mindful memoir.

Jenny shares, “Like a faithful companion, my journal has joined me on this life journey for more than fifty years, revealing me to myself: I can sense and recognize the currents and themes that repeat through the months and years. Certain memories come back to me over and over again, as if to ask for more understanding and resolution. Whether illuminated with joy or clouded by pain, my journal gives me a doorway to my inner world, and the opportunity to meet myself with generous and transformative acceptance.”

Jenny's first book,

Embracing Your Subconscious: Bringing All Parts of You into Creative Partnership

(1996/2012), was published in Spanish and later selected for a Book Club edition that was distributed throughout Latin America.

Jenny’s work appears in three anthologies, Dreamscaping: New and Creative Ways to Work with Your Dreams; Love Games; and The Spirit of Writing.

Visit for information about Jenny’s Mindful Maps Workshops and Mindful Meditations Mp3 series.

“Your subconscious is a powerful and mysterious force which can either hold you back or help you move forward. Without its cooperation, your best goals will go unrealized; with its help, you are unbeatable.”
Jenny Davidow
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“By embracing your subconscious, you gain a different way of seeing and experiencing—an expanded perception that opens a doorway, not only to lucid dreams, but also to the mythic dimension. As in lucid dreams, you see yourself or others with new eyes; your senses awaken and grasp an experience more fully than ever before; suddenly, you find your ears are open to hear with a deeper understanding.”
Jenny Davidow
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