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Jeremy Aldana

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

My name is Jeremy, and I am a father, husband, teacher, writer, and youth sports coach. I am married to the most wonderful person on the planet and have been blessed with four daughters. When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a kindergarten teacher. Though it took me a lot of years to accomplish, I finally realized that dream at the age of 39, when I officially became a teacher. I am living proof that dreams can come true if you never give up on them. Since then, I went on to earn my masters degree and became an equity consultant for Pearson Inc..

I remember the moment when I realized that I was a writer, and not just someone who enjoyed writing. That moment was powerful for me, because it allowed me to embrace who I was. With this new-found freedom, I began to plot the next phase of my journey, that is my writing career. Immediately, I started researching how to write a book and within a year, I was writing my first chapters. More research and writing followed, along with learning how to network and market myself.

Since that moment of clarity and self-awareness, I've written three books (and started several others), three short stories, lots of poetry, a song or two, several online articles (under a pseudonym), numerous essays, and several published quotes. One such quote was featured in Wendy Anderson Halperin's wonderful book, "Peace."

As an educator, I am trauma-informed and equity-focused, seeking to inspire minds and spread hope. If I do my job well, which I refer to as a 'calling', the impact I've made will serve my students and their families for years to come. I remember writing a poem once where I wrote the line, "with hope, I left a legacy." That legacy, I now know, will be that of my students and their families.

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Wendy Anderson Halperin's Website (where you can find her book "Peace"):

"Peace" by Wendy Anderson Halperin:

“The Memory Of You Is Like A Drug To Me”
Jeremy Aldana
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“I never felt more free in this world, than when I was five years old”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Your ego is everything man about yourself”
Jeremy Aldana
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“If I were not to put my arms out; would I have not caught you when you fell”
Jeremy Aldana
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“A humble man speaks not of his own humility”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Great minds with great ideas usually share in the midst of their persecution”
Jeremy Aldana
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“A soul gives power to the mind; and the mind empowers the soul”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Thoughts are as simple as the process…a message from the soul; conveyed through the heart; received in the mind”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Our thoughts dictate how we feel; so it is important to recognize that we are as we think we are”
Jeremy Aldana
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“If my eyes have pain, I close them; If my body aches, I rest it; If my heart breaks, I mend it; If my soul is lost, I pray for it”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he knows already, that he is part of you”
Jeremy Aldana
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“If you are upset with another’s words towards you; be cautious of your reactions, for you are only meant to be a sounding-board for his soul”
Jeremy Aldana
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“If a man seeks you to understand him; listen closely, for what is really going on is nothing more that you manifesting your desire to seek yourself on a plateau of awareness that is not tangible”
Jeremy Aldana
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“A man’s spirit is free, but his pride binds him with chains of suffocation in a prison of his own insecurities”
Jeremy Aldana
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“To know a man’s secrets is to discover his weakness, and thus control his will”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Insecurities have the ability to shape and mold our minds to live with everything that’s bad; like crying on the inside, while smiling on the outside…thus creating pain…but, alas, I have the answer; forget about what you thought and enjoy (embrace) what you feel”
Jeremy Aldana
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“I believe that thoughts and feelings reside on the same nerve-ending…they are called heartstrings”
Jeremy Aldana
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“What makes and experience a memory is when we share with someone, the emotions we felt”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Sometimes the best advice comes from those whom you least expect…therefore take no one for granted”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Pain will leave you, when you let go”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Honesty is a fine foundation from which to build upon; for if one was to really know what another thinks and how they feel…they would surely treat each other differently”
Jeremy Aldana
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“I think that dying is the easy part of life; for in waking each day and living in every moment, therein lies the challenge”
Jeremy Aldana
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“We question ourselves through others by way of stories, advice, and gestures; and we receive our answers form listening to others reactions”
Jeremy Aldana
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“The question that is upon my lips (please forgive me) is the doubt in your heart”
Jeremy Aldana
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“My art is that of the 35mm kind; my poetry is of the lead and ink kind; my happiness is of the product of both; and my legacy is of the story of my soul, that my life left behind”
Jeremy Aldana
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“I am intrigued by the smile upon your face, and the sadness within your eyes”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Humility rests upon the shores of your sorrows and blossoms upon the mountain of your faith”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Humility and pride will forever battle whenever or wherever love is concerned”
Jeremy Aldana
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“A humble man will always receive the best that others have to offer; for he recognizes the truth”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Seems to me that there is a fine line between insanity and dedication…I call that line commitment”
Jeremy Aldana
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“To envision the future; you must forget the past and make the present a memory”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Be careful not to look so far ahead, that you miss what’s in front of you”
Jeremy Aldana
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“It’s not so much the journey that’s important; as is the way that we treat those we encounter and those around us, along the way”
Jeremy Aldana
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“Theology, philosophy, metaphysics, and quantum physics are merely ways for God to have his smart people believe in him”
Jeremy Aldana
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“They are not my stories...they are merely mine to tell”
Jeremy Aldana
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