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Jerram Barrs

Jerram Barrs is Professor of Christianity and Contemporary Culture at Covenant Theological Seminary, as well as a founder and Resident Scholar of the Francis Schaeffer Institute there. He was a part of Schaeffer's L'Abri Fellowship in Switzerland shortly after becoming a Christian and he and his wife were on staff at English L’Abri for many years. "During our 18 years at L’Abri and in my role as a pastor, we provided constant hospitality, talked through endless questions received from both believers and unbelievers, led discussions, taught and preached, offered pastoral care, participated in lots of practical work serving people and doing home and garden chores with them" (Interests).

“I regularly tell our seminary students that if I happen to visit the church in which one of them serves, I will not ask first, “Is this man a good preacher?” Rather, first of all I will ask the secretaries, office staff, janitors, and cleaners what it is like to work for this pastor. I will ask, “What kind of man is he? Is he a servant? Is he demanding and harsh, or his he patient, kind, and forbearing as a man in authority?” One of our graduates may preach great sermons, but if he is a pain to work for, then you know he will cause major problems in any congregation. Leaders in the church are required by Scripture to set an example in the areas of love, kindness, gentleness, patience, and forbearance before they are appointed to preach, teach, and rule. If we obediently require these attitudes and character traits of our leaders, what will our “new community” look like”
Jerram Barrs
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