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Jess Dee

“Make sure this is the path you want to walk because once you start, you have to be committed to the process. The progression will be exhausting, discouraging and daunting. It will get you down, but the end point, which may be years down the line, will make it worthwhile. - Will Granger”
Jess Dee
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“You don’t fucking get it, do you, Sparks?” Out of sheer frustration, Ben thwacked the wall with his hand. Hard. So hard his palm stung. “I love you. I am so goddamned, madly in love with you, I can’t see straight.” Ben’s voice resonated through the offices, echoed in his own ears. “You’re the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I imagine before I fall asleep. I dream about you. Every single night. I live to see you, at the office, at home, anywhere. I just need to see your face. Hold your body. Touch your skin. I need you, Mel. More than I need air. You can’t walk away from me. You can’t love someone else.” He gulped in a breath and almost choked on the emotion clogging his throat, so when he spoke again his voice was scratchy, and much, much softer. “I screwed up. I made you choose. And I’m sorry. So desperately, pathetically sorry for that. But I can’t let you go. I can’t let him have you, because you’re mine. You were made for me, like I was made for you. We’re two peas in a pod, sweetness. We’re the same, you and I. We’re meant to be together.”
Jess Dee
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“F#ck, she was perfect. Making love to her wasn’t just heaven. It was the single most amazing experience in his thirty years of life. She may have been made for him, but he was made for this moment. For the ultimate instant when he and Jenna merged into one.”
Jess Dee
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“[Jenna] “I’m still scared to be me though,” she told him. “And I’m still a little scared of you.”For the first time he understood what she meant. “You know what? I scare myself. I’ve wanted to make love to you for so damn long. But getting this close, knowing you trust me? Christ, Jenn, I don’t just want to f#ck you. I want to possess you. Make you mine. Become a part of you. Make you a part of me.”
Jess Dee
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“She kissed him in the exact same way he wanted to fuck her. Hard, insistent, determined, as though burning him with her mouth. Branding her taste on his lips, marking him as her own.”
Jess Dee
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“I’m the man who said goodbye to you earlier, then realized he couldn’t let you go. The same man who wants to make love to you all over again. Every single day of my life.”
Jess Dee
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“He’d heard many songs in his life, sang thousands of them himself, but the sweetest music imaginable played for him in that moment: the sound of Sophie—the woman of his dreams—calling out his name, over and over again as together they reached their peak.”
Jess Dee
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“He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Need assaulted him. In his entire life, he’d never felt desire like this. Or the desperation to touch, to hold, to own.”
Jess Dee
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“There was no denying the reality of this situation. The exquisite ecstasy of having an honest-to-God, flesh-and-blood c#ck inside. Dream symbolisms and explanations be damned. This was bliss.”
Jess Dee
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“His kiss was exactly like it always was. Hot, heady, heavenly.”
Jess Dee
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“Make my dream a reality,” he whispered.His dream and her dreams. Sophie shivered. She could no more resist his call than she could cease blinking. With two more shaky steps she stood before him and placed a trembling hand in his.His smile was blinding.Sophie had maybe a second to be dazzled by it before he tugged firmly on her hand and she tumbled into his arms. Nathan flipped her so she lay beneath his body—his gloriously naked body—and with a hoarse moan he dipped his head and crushed his lips to hers.”
Jess Dee
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