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Jess Rothenberg

JESS ROTHENBERG is a writer and freelance editor who grew up in Charleston, South Carolina. A former editor of books for young readers, including the #1 International Bestselling Vampire Academy series, Jess lives in New York City with her husband, son, and cat-who-thinks-he’s-a-dog, Charlie. Her debut novel for teens, The Catastrophic History of You & Me, has been translated into more than a dozen languages.

To find out more, visit or follow Jess on Instagram and Twitter at @jessrothenberg.

“Resulta que al final la tristeza es una adicción desenfrenada”
Jess Rothenberg
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“For the record, I would like to point out that it is NOT being obsessive to memorize a boy's schedule so that you can accidentally bump into him. It is called being efficient.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“This Jacob dude sounds like a real Bilbo Douche-Baggins.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“Not that I was obsessive or anything.Au contraire, mon frere.For the record, I would like to point out that it is NOT obsessive to memorize a boy's schedule so that you can accidentally bump into him. It is called being efficient. Why waste time and energy running around town trying to guess where a guy's going to be, when instead, you can actually know? And then you can actually be there. Pretty straightforward stuff, I tend to think.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“Hell is when people you love the most reach right into your soul and rip it out of you. And they do it because they can.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“Love is such a complete and total crock.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“My heart didn't fail, someone failed my heart.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“News flash: The whole thing is a huge mess and a giant nightmare and it’s all about to explode in your face and you have no idea whatyou’ve gotten yourself into. Love is no game. People cut their ears off over this stuff. People jump off the Eiffel Tower and sell all theirpossessions and move to Alaska to live with the grizzly bears, and then they get eaten and nobody hears them when they scream for help.That’s right. Falling in love is pretty much the same thing as being eaten alive by a grizzly bear.Believe me, I should know.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“No matter how much you think you know a person—no matter how pretty they act, or how popular they seem, you can never know what their lives are really like.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“When you're in love, the world is brighter. Sunnier. The air smells flowerier, and your hair is silkier, and suddenly you find yourself smiling at babies and strangers and old couples walking down the beach holding hands.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“Sometimes, friends drift in and out of our lives like fashion accessories—in one season and out the next.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“The problem is, there is absolutely nothing "fun" about falling in love. Nope. Mostly it just makes you feel sick and crazy and anxious and nervous that it's going to end miserably and ruin your whole life. And guess what: Then it does.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“Turns out, hell's not so much a burning, scalding pit of fire and misery. It's actually much, much worse than that. Hell is when the people you love the most reach right into your soul and rip it out of you. And they do it because they can.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“News flash, Bozo. Don't ever tell a girl to relax. It only makes us madder.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“Love is no game. People cut their ears off over this stuff. People jump off the Eiffel Tower and sell all their possessions and move to Alaska to live with the grizzly bears, and then they get eaten and nobody hears them when they scream for help. That’s right. Falling in love is pretty much the same thing as being eaten alive by a grizzly bear.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“There’s no such thing as too much Disney.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“One nice thing about heaven is that you can relive all your favorite moments and memories pretty much as many times as you want—sort of like a DVD of your whole life. Pause, rewind, fast-forward, slowwww motion, all day, every day.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“War is sweet to those who have never fought.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“The trouble is, sometimes words are like arrows. Once you shoot them, there's no going back.”
Jess Rothenberg
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“You can obsess and obsess over how things ended—what you did wrong or could have done differently—but there's not much of a point. It's not like it'll change anything. So really, why worry?”
Jess Rothenberg
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