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Jesse Hajicek

Writey Guy, Evil Overlord of Getting Stuff Done

Pseudonym: Jumping Jack Flash, Chartreuse

“The look on your face is priceless. You can't decide if you want to go 'oh poor baby' or spit on my shadow.""Sounds about right," Ash admitted.”
Jesse Hajicek
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“If I could get hold of something nasty and drop it in the coffee urn, I could poison them all.""Too bad your personality's not water-soluble.”
Jesse Hajicek
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“I want to belong to you, like a name. I want to be a thing people have to know to know you.”
Jesse Hajicek
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“Look at me, you chatty bitch, I'm a goddamn pinata! Fuck off and let me sleep before I puke up a kidney on your slutty leather pants!”
Jesse Hajicek
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“I make my own judgements of people, mate. I don't need to borrow yours.”
Jesse Hajicek
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“Why?" Kieran grinned. "'Cause you can't dance, it's too wet to plow, and it's a little windy to be stacking chickens.”
Jesse Hajicek
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“Adrian: "I've made my position clear, Mr. Skerry. It's not my job to protect people from their own stupidity."Resonator: "And I like to give hand granades to babies ... let's be friends!?”
Jesse Hajicek
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