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Jesse James Freeman

Hi. I write books because my therapist said that I need to express myself in a positive way. Thus, after sniffing too much Carpet Fresh, Billy Purgatory: I am the Devil Bird & Billy Purgatory and the Curse of the Satanic Five were born into the world as the gypsy lady predicted long ago.

They're about skateboards, Greek mythology monster stuff, Jimmy Hoffa, emotionally-unavailable vampire girlfriends, LBJ's UFO, and tentacles.

I don't think either of those books were what my therapist had in mind because she started charging me more after they were published.

I also contributed to: Write for the Fight by Tess Thompson and Tracey Frazier, Nightfalls: Notes from the end of the world, and the Orange Karen Anthology.

I'm at war with: cobras, yetis, lasers, tequila, and leprechaun-robots.

I'm also the Director of Community Management for Booktrope.

“The only other consistent thing in Billy’s life was his father. Billy didn’t call him that though. He’d always called him Pop. Billy’s Pop would have laughed at all that career day stuff. Pop didn’t have crazy hair but Billy was pretty sure he was a genius. Pop told him stuff they didn’t let you in on at school, like how there was supposed to be future stuff already, like moving sidewalks and monorails and jetpacks. Pop told him that the government had lied and screwed people out of all that stuff and the only reason we ever went to the moon was to bury Jimmy Hoffa up there.”
Jesse James Freeman
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“I can’t stop and all I have is a word addiction. Conjunction-Junction really fucked me up as a kid. This is all childhood trauma that’s manifesting itself in word needles and I can’t find enough good veins.”
Jesse James Freeman
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“I should write a serious book on China. If I did that and put in a lot of subtext about love and maybe compared it to the Great Wall or communism or something I could show the parallels between how we are forced to act in society due to cultural mores, versus how we really are, like, behind our own personal Jungian Great Walls. Then people would take my writing seriously like they do with Marni and Tess and that guy who wrote the Great Gatsby.”
Jesse James Freeman
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