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Jessi Kirby

“I opened my mouth to respond, then decided to do that thing where you think before you speak.”
Jessi Kirby
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“We didn't say anything as we ducked though the bushes and when we stood next to the car I could tell he was searching, maybe for the right thing to say. But there wasn't any right thing.”
Jessi Kirby
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“After a minute I leaned back, elbows on the table, and looked up for the twinkle of the first star in the evening sky. When we were little, it was a ritual Finn and I did on the front porch. He'd make his wish silently, and I would too, but I never could keep a secret; and I'd tell him what I wished every time. He'd always tell me it wouldn't come true, but I didn't believe him. I'd had plenty of them come true, from a new box of crayons showing up out of nowhere to a bag of candy left on my bed. It had been a while, though, and the only thing I'd wish for now was impossible. I found the first star in a patch of burnt-orange sky, above the crinkly purple mountains in the distance, and then I wished my brother back anyway.”
Jessi Kirby
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“Suspended as we were, with no horizon line or landscape or anything else to draw a separation between the water and the sky, I pictured us up there with the stars. Another story written in tiny lights. We were a constellation put in the sky-- two people holding hands, floating peacefully above everything else, in a beautiful, perfect moment.”
Jessi Kirby
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“Sometimes...a person is up against more than they can handle. And sometimes a person loses, no matter what they're fighting for.”
Jessi Kirby
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“He always told me to look strong even if I didn't feel it, because sometimes that's all you can do.”
Jessi Kirby
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“[I]t wasn't history that was too fragile, but me.”
Jessi Kirby
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“Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine... none of them had mothers."I was still wasn't following, but she continued, obviously excited. "When I was little, I used to think that meant that life had to make it up to them, for taking their mothers away, and so that's why they ended up having the whole fairy-tale happily-ever-after magic happen to them. The deserved it more than other girls." She looked at me intently. "Life will make it up to you, Anna.”
Jessi Kirby
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“When he saw Tyler, his face went serious, which struck me as comical. Andy had always been protective, but when it came to me having anything to do with guys, he felt it was his duty to inform and protect me from the ones he thought were most like himself. When I turned thirteen, he pulled me aside and we had his version of 'the talk,' which mostly consisted of a bunch of 'uhs' and 'ums,' but I got the gist of his speech: boys only wanted one thing, and I shouldn't give it to them until I was at least thirty-three. And married.”
Jessi Kirby
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“I read once that water is a symbol for emotions. And for a while now I've thought maybe my mother drowned in both.”
Jessi Kirby
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“Anna: Ash, I don't have anything planned with my Mother... She's dead.Ashley: What?Anna: She died when I was seven. She drowned. It's just my Dad and me. I didn't tell you before because I just wanted a fresh start here, because before I moved, everybody knew about it and... I'm sorry.Ashley: ....... You're like a Disney Princess!”
Jessi Kirby
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