Jessica Brody is the author of more than 20 novels for teens, tweens, and adults including The Geography of Lost Things, The Chaos of Standing Still, Amelia Gray is Almost Okay, A Week of Mondays, 52 Reasons to Hate My Father, the Unremembered trilogy, and the System Divine trilogy which is a sci-fi reimagining of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables, co-written with Joanne Rendell. She’s also the author of the #1 bestselling novel-writing guides, Save the Cat! Writes a Novel and Save the Cat! Writes a Young Adult Novel as well as several books based on popular Disney franchises like Descendants and LEGO Disney Princess. Jessica’s books have been translated and published in over 20 languages and several have been optioned for film and television. She’s the founder of the Writing Mastery Academy and lives with her husband and three dogs near Portland, OR.
Visit her online at or Follow her on Twitter or Instagram @JessicaBrody
“Circumstances cannot change how you feel. When you truly love someone – on a level that goes deeper than your mind, deeper than your memories, all the way to the very thing that makes you human – you do whatever it takes. You save him.”
“Trust your heart."..."It's the only thing that will never lie to you.”
“Death is not a memory you can fake.”
“The memories that really matter don't live in the mind.”
“The guy you're really supposed to be with can be standing right in front of you and you don't even notice because you're too distracted by the one you think you're supposed to be with.”
“Make wise choices with your life because the rest of the world certainly isn't going to do it for you.”
“Perceptions are key. Your representation to society dictates what people think of you.”
“But trust me, that feeling is nothing compared to the one you get when you actually help someone who didn't think that anyone ever would.”
“And if we judged everyone by who they were and not who they've learned to become, well then I guess none of us would have any friends. Including me.”
“I think the very definition of a good deed is putting someone else's feelings in front of your own.”
“We've been so focused on the concept of punishing those who have caused us pain that we've completely disregarded the entire other half of what Karma is.”
“We can only fix our own lives. We cannot play the role of gods in someone else's.”
“Forgetting who you are is so much more complicated than simply forgetting your name. It's also forgetting your dreams. Your aspirations. What makes you happy. What you pray you'll never have to live without. It's meeting yourself for the first time, and not being sure of your first impression.”
“And for the last ten or so years of my life, whenever my father was in the house, I've learned how to make myself scarce.”
“If we told every story from the middle, we would never appreciate happy endings.”
“New languages are not something you can pick up overnight. They take time. Patience. The willingness to change the way you think about what you already know.”
“Because apart we might be as different as night and day, black and white, right and wrong, but together we create two sides of a whole. Together we balance.”
“Aren’t universal transmissions supposed to be pure and uncorrupted?”
“If something you did causes failure, shouldn't the exact opposite of what you did bring success?”
“The worst thing you can do when someone is sick is to tell them that they look sick.”
“People can be so annoying sometimes. With all their stupid opinions and hidden agendas. But dogs? Dogs don’t have any agendas. They’re as honest and open and devoted as you can get. And that’s why they’ll always cheer you up. They’ll always love you. No matter how badly you screw up.”
“My mom tries to comfort me by saying that girls like Heather Campbell tend to peak early in life and then quickly fade. That's why she looks so much better than everyone now. But by the time I go to my ten-year reunion, I'll be way prettier than she is. To which I always reply with the same statement, "I don't want to be pretty in ten years. I want to be pretty now."Because what good is it to me now that I might or might not be drop-dead gorgeous when I'm twenty-seven? It's not like I can go to school every day with a big cardboard sign around my neck that says, "Trust me, in ten years, I'll look like this." And then an arrow pointing to a picture of a supermodel.”
“I mean, how sad is it that I needed a freaking Facebook profile to tell me my boyfriend was no longer my boyfriend? As if Facebook is the official record keeper of relationships and you have to confirm all breakups and hookups with this sacred online registrar before you can consider them certified and approved.”
“Karma comes after everyone eventually. You can't get away with screwing people over your whole life, I don't care who you are. What goes around comes around. That's how it works. Sooner or later the universe will serve you the revenge that you deserve.”
“you cannot obtain balance by also seeking imbalance.”
“all human beings have control over their own destiny. that is, after all, our purpose on this planet. not to interfere with the lives of others but to shape our own experiences.”
“but not only did you seek to achieve balance in your life but you also sought to achieve imbalance in someone else's.”
“we must follow our own path, and sometimes that path can be laden with bumps and curves and rivers to cross. but we cannot block the paths of our neighbors, for that is not our place. we can only seek to groom and shape our own.”
“the universe has a place and purpose for everything and everyone. sometimes we cannot know what that place is. or what the purpose of everything that happens to us will be. that is why we must allow the natural order of things to occur.”
“Car pour dire la vérité, je n'étais pas une super-héroïne. Je ne savais pas voler. J'étais incapable de tisser des toiles sophistiquées pour grimper aux murs. Je ne pouvais pas enjamber d'un bond des gratte-ciel. Je n'étais qu'une fille ordinaire qui essayait de changer un tant soit peu l'ordre des choses.”