JESSICA JAYNE is a born and raised small-town Ohio girl, who moved to the Sunshine State after graduating from college with an English degree. She attended law school and passed her bar exam on the very first attempt. She met the love of her life in a romance novel sort of way. They married and have three beautiful (and sometimes crazy) kids.
Jessica loves to travel and travel often! She’s jumped out of several perfectly good airplanes. When not watching her son isn't racing in a regatta or her daughters dominate the volleyball court, she watches Buckeye football and the Tampa Bay Lightning. She’s a wine-making (and wine-tasting with her girlfriends) aficionado. She loves all music. Thinks Eric Church is a rock star. Worships Jason Momoa. Believes Game of Thrones was the best show on television but lives by many Seinfeld-isms.
Life is always an adventure!
“He ran the back of his fingers along her cheek. “Being withyou this weekend made me realize how much I actually missed you. Andnot just sexually. I miss your smile. Your laugh. Your presence. Our latenight conversations while we lie in bed and I hold you. The way you raiseyour right eyebrow when you think I’m being an idiot. The way youknow exactly what I’m thinking or what I need without me having to evensay it. It just hit me hard that I truly miss you.”
“You have the greatest ass I’ve ever laid eyes on,” he said matterof-factly.“Thanks! I take that as a compliment, considering all the ass you’velaid eyes on. But I’m still taking a shower by myself,” she said with asmile before closing the bathroom door.”
“What about our bet?” she teased. It was clear from the look in hiseyes that the bet was over, but she wanted to hear him say it. Brian let goof her arm and grabbed his wallet on the table. He counted out five onehundred dollar bills and slammed them on the table. Jeni laughed.“Fuck it,” he said, backing her against the wall. He placed hishands on either side of her shoulders, pinning her against the wall. Hischest and hips pressed against her body. “Enough is enough. Last nightwas enough torture to last me a while. I want to fuck you so damned badit hurts.” She saw the desire in his eyes as his breath fanned against hercheek. But he restrained from touching her, and it drove her crazy.”
“If you give me the five hundred dollars right now, I’ll let you dowhatever you want to me,” she whimpered.“Why are you being such a hard ass, Jeni?” he said with a wrysmile. He took her hand and slid it down the front of his bare torso. Hisabdominal muscles rippled under her hand. Then he slid her hand overhis erection. His cock twitched at the feel of her hand. “You know youwant me to fuck you.”“Then cough up the money, Hamilton!” Though her voice regainedits edge, her body was seconds away from crumbling. She wanted nothingmore than him buried deep inside her. She ached for him.”
“I never realize how much I miss you until I see you again,” hewhispered in her ear.”
“You know me too well, Jeni,” he said. “I’m always up for achallenge. I’ve got you on this one! You’ll be begging me to fuck you wellbefore that twenty-four-hour period is over. Keep the money in your bra.I’ll find it!”