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Jessiqua Wittman

Jessiqua Wittman is a child of God, a happy wife and mother, and a dedicated author of gritty fiction novels. Her published works include: A Memoir of Love (A compromised woman's story about Revolutionaries developing a post-apocalyptic settler colony into a nation.)

And A Memoir of Mercy (A young woman's story about her search for identity, in catacombs, underground.)

And A Memoir of Hope (A chaplain's wife's story about finding and losing her faith in a prison camp)

And A Memoir of Patience (An older woman’s story about leading a desperate alliance of refugees through a Nuclear Winter)

Jessiqua also writes on her blog:

“Everything in this world is based on interpretation, how we as people interpret the people and events and feelings around us. Then our interpretation defines us. Who we are is usually based on how we react to circumstances.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“Information can be such a double-edged sword.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“It’s amazing how one question can be so hard to articulate, and how the whole world can seem to hang on the answer.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“The way he was talking to me earlier… makes me think he’s starting to feel like God’s the cosmic sadist again and he’s the marionette.”“In other words, God’s just torturing him for the kick?”Thomas sighed and set his mostly untouched plate down. “Something like that.”“That’s not a healthy outlook.”“He doesn’t feel loved right now, so it’s the natural one.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“Moonlight wreaks havoc on an otherwise sane thinking mind. It makes you think that the impossible is possible, and your dreams, reality.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“A test isn't really a test unless failing it truly tempts you...”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“God usually answers questions different than the way we want him to. He’s predictably unpredictable. Always the same at surprising us.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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“Fear is just doubt, disguised.”
Jessiqua Wittman
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