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“The Supreme cult does not bear any relationship with the ordinary course of life. The physical body, after attainment of the Supreme Cult will remain as it was before. It will feel pleasure and pain as it used to do. One must be earning his honest livelihood. It is only possible for a man without the least tinge of desire that ‘to see God is for the sake of seeing God’ and ‘to attain God is for the sake of attaining God’ only." - Sri Jibankrishna”
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“After attainment of Supreme knowledge a man lives but he does not lead an ordinary man’s life. He lives, he eats, he sleeps and by God’s commandment he becomes a ‘man-catcher’ as Christ told Peter.”
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“God out of His own will expresses and manifests Himself in the human body and not to be obtained by self-exertion. The question may rise what others will do? The answer is the life of Jesus and Sri Ramkrishna. Others will lead their lives according to the instructions as given to them by their own lives. - Sri Jibankrishna (Diamond)”
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