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Jill Little

“Our life’s path is not solely physical or spiritual, but rather the blending of our skills and abilities with intent to fulfill service to God. We become an instrument of love; completing the puzzle of our human mission.”

Jill Little passed away in March, 2012. Up until her death, she focused on serving as an instrument of love and peace wherever she went. She made fast friends among casual encounters. She was a sympathetic ear and a compassionate soul who actively served to share her insights on life, love, and spirituality. She pursued a PhD in education, and her teaching career was further enhanced by a hunger to discover the path to her higher self through self-awareness and living a purposeful life. She has always been an inspiration to those who love her, and to have known her is to love her. ␣is book is a testament to her wisdom, devotion to helping others, and generosity of spirit.

The messaging and distribution of this book consumed Jill’s mind, body, and soul until a brain aneurysm interrupted her furious progress. Derailed by the aneurysm in October 2011, the book nearly finished, she spent the next five months hospitalized until her untimely death. For those five months, she continued to live the life she wanted, embracing the idea of heaven and its patient invitation as much as she embraced promising milestones that kept her with us a short while longer. Despite limited mobility and motor skills, she continued living her passion by becoming a more conscious human being. She started to share her awareness of the “other side.” She was unafraid of the transition, and I was more connected to her in the last few weeks of her life than I had ever been.

“When we commit daily to offering our love, living in integrity, truth and values, we are more easily in tune to live our purpose …. We live our ethical life in all aspects; family, friends and business. Our spirit and body are always with us. In IHood, we choose to honor spiritual behavior over that of our body.”
Jill Little
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