Jillian Eaton grew up in Maine and now lives in Pennsylvania. When she isn't writing, Jillian is doing her best to keep up with her three young boys, 6 horses, and two dogs!
She loves going for walks, coffee, getting e-mail from readers, ducks, and staying up late finishing a good book.
She isn't very fond of doing laundry.
Keep up with Jillian on Twitter (@jillianwrites) + Instagram (@authorjillianeaton)
“Every breath I draw is for you. Every morning I wake is for you. It was always for you, Grace.”
“He is not a prince, and you are not a princess, and real life is not a fairytale. Happily-ever-afters are not handed out on silver platters. They have to be earned.”
“Love is like that tree. Every storm it breaks, but when the storm is over and the sky has cleared it is never broken.”
“Fear was like a vicious weed. Once it took root some part of it always lingered, even when it was pulled out again and again. It corrupted even the gentlest of hearts, turning them cold as stone and twice as hard.”
“Going back in time is impossible. Turning invisible is impossible. Balancing the national debt is impossible. Blood sucking creatures that have been documented since the beginning of time across the entire world? Not impossible.” “Next you’ll be telling me they sparkle in the daylight.” “No,” he said, giving me his first real smile. “Never that.”
“I am like a ship, cast out in the ocean to bob aimlessly amidst the waves. No, I correct myself silently. Not a ship. More like the buoy that the ship runs over.”
“For God's sake put on your glasses, Sam. You're staring right at my boobs.”