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Jim McDonald

James Patrick McDonald is a contemporary author and spiritual guide who does not align himself with religion or specific teachings. He offers a simple and accessible approach to finding harmony and inner peace through willingness, self-exploration and honesty.

At the age of 30, James experienced a profound transformation of grace that left him in a state of complete and total surrender. That awakening experience propelled him on an intense journey of self-discovery allowing him to understand and integrate all aspects of the experience into is his daily life. In the years that followed he experienced a series of inner transformations that shifted the direction and purpose of his life. Each experience brought a deeper sense of peace than the previous and enhanced his devotion and willingness to share what he was experiencing with others.

James' awakening has been a real-word process dependent upon the suspension of judgment by looking directly at the suffering our judgments bring us - an experience that emerges from willingness and self-honesty. He uses an enriching blend of teaching styles and traditions and draws on his education, skills as a training and development professional, personal experience and humorous insight as the foundation for his sharing and teaching.

He offers himself as a guide to others ready to rediscover their inner peace through one-on-one mentoring sessions, books and audio, presentations, groups, and workshops.

Visit his web site https://www.jamespatrickmcdonald.com to learn more about James and his message.

“The gift of willingness is the only thing that stands between the quiet desperation of a disingenuous life and the actualization of unexpressed potential.”
Jim McDonald
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“I suffer because my interactions with others do not meet the expectations I did not know I had.”
Jim McDonald
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“The quickest way to experiencing the peace inside, is to learn to recognize when I am not at peace.”
Jim McDonald
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