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Jim Taylor

“If you want real motivation, the kind that will consume every pore of your body, sustain itself not only through the next morning, but many mornings to come, and drives you to achieve your goals, look deep inside and see if you can find it within you. Because you sure won’t find it anywhere else.”
Jim Taylor
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“what makes the great motivators so, well, motivating is their ability to help others find their own personal motivation every day. It is that personal motivation that inspires people to have a vision of what they want to achieve, work hard and prepare well so they have not only a clear direction in sight, but also the actual wherewithal to get where they want to go.”
Jim Taylor
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“True and lasting motivation can’t, unfortunately, come from outside. It must arise from a very deep place within us. This life-changing motivation verily forces its way out of us, demanding that we take action. That is the motivation that propels people to monumental acts of courage, willpower, perseverance, and, ultimately, change.”
Jim Taylor
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