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Jim Whitefield

Jim lives with his wife Catriona in Surrey, England.

All 'The Mormon Delusion' and 'The Bible Delusion' books are available in hardcover, paperback, PDF eBook and EPUB formats. PDFs are exclusive to Lulu and EPUB versions are avaiable from Lulu, Amazon Kindle and the Apple iBooks Store etc.

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Converted to the Mormon Church in 1960 at age fourteen, after forty-three years of clinging to that faith, Jim resigned membership in 2003 for no other reason than he could no longer hold to belief in God. He never considered why the Mormon Church was not true and assumed Joseph Smith to have been a good, albeit deluded man. Three years later, quite by accident, Jim stumbled across early Mormon polyandry which Church leaders then confirmed was and is contrary to Mormon doctrine. Yet Jim had discovered evidence that early leaders married women who had living husbands. Something was seriously and alarmingly wrong.

This led to further research and day after devastating day, Jim discovered more and more of the truth. He somehow had to face and accept and then deal with the fact that Smith was a fraud who deliberately created a hoax to satisfy his own ambitions. Every aspect Jim looked at was demonstrably not true. Writing has been his therapy, resulting in ‘The Mormon Delusion’ series.

Jim did not intend to write further work but the Bible kept bothering him – so he decided to read it again. His latest book - The Bibe Delusion (which is not directly associated with Mormonism), is the result of this research.

“As long as people want the Mormon Church to be true, more than they are willing to face the possibility that it is not,they will not entertain evidence or reason.Delusion becomes a choice.”
Jim Whitefield
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“I spent 43 years believing in a false religion. Now I want my 43 years as an atheist. God owes me that.”
Jim Whitefield
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“You cannot work science around a predetermined belief system; you can only work (or rework) a belief system around science, current knowledge, and new evidence. If you are not willing to do that, you believe in the fanciful instead of understanding the factual – and that is delusional.”
Jim Whitefield
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“If God does exist - He is not very good at religion.”
Jim Whitefield
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