Author, J.L. Mac is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Wrecked series and several other titles. Beginning with her debut novel in January 2013, J.L. Mac has self-published nine novels to date. When J.L. was five years old, she came home from school and told her mother that she was ready to quit just as soon as her kindergarten year was complete. When her mother asked why she wanted to quit school when she had only just begun, J.L. simply told her mother that she could now read and write and that was all she needed. Though she did not quit school, she turned out to be right. Having successfully written and published nine novels in seven years, J.L. has become a household name in the Indie community with multiple bestsellers, audio editions and foreign editions of numerous titles. J.L. Mac lives in El Paso, Texas with her husband and four children.
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Mac Mail:
“I couldn’t possibly love you any more than I already do. Josephine, my heart resides with you forevermore.” He remembers the quote on the back of my mother’s watch. The same quote my father said to my mother. My heart squeezes painfully and I swear I could die of contentment.”
“Books are what you love. They are what you know. It's obviously your passion. I didn't want you to lose that. You've lost enough”
“If you’re looking for lollipops and rainbows while you shop for the latest best seller, you best not come to me. I won’t chat you up and tell you how cute your kid is. I won’t smile and flirt. I won’t stroke your ego about the jewelry you are wearing or the shirt you have on. I will help you find what you need. I will recommend books and hell I even talk about what I liked about one book over another but all that other shit is just not my thing.”
“I am ashamed to admit that I have contemplated living versus ending it all.”
“I live to make you smile, Josephine.”
“His presence is the medicine that soothes my wounds.”
“Watching him is intoxicating. I couldn’t dream up a more beautiful man.”
“The only thing I want from you is you.”
“You may not realize it yet, but you’re mine. Not because I am claiming you. You’re mine because that’s how it is.”
“His warm eyes stay locked onto mine and I want to melt right on the spot. I know him but I don’t. I want him but I don’t. I need him but I don’t.”
“I am tied up in nothing but stilettos and I feel hot.”
“I feel like my world is crumbling beneath my feet but Damon walks in and I have something to grab onto. It’s frightening and comforting all in the same.”
“I didn’t have anyone, but every time I walked through those doors I felt like each of those authors was my family and the characters they created were all my friends. I counted on them. They were all I ever had. All I still have. Now that the store may go out of business I feel like I’m losing my family and friends. I love all my books. Being a book lover saved my life.”
“The idea of having faith in anything to a homeless teenager is just asinine.”