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Jo Linsdell

I've enjoyed writing since I could hold a pen in my hand but officially started my writing career in 2006. Since then I've worked for numerous clients around the world and won a few awards along the way too.

I've also published several books including the best selling children's picture story books 'Out and About at the Zoo', 'Fairy May' and 'The Box', plus non fiction books'Italian for Tourists', A Guide to Weddings in Italy', 'How to be Twittertastic' and the award winning best seller 'Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home'. My serial fiction 'KOSMOS' was published in 2017.

'A Birthday Clown for Archer' in English, Spanish, and Colouring book versions (written by Kathy Mashburn, illustrated by Jo Linsdell) was released June 2013.

'Jasmine at Work' in English and Colouring book versions (written by Maria Rochelle and illustrated by Jo Linsdell) was released December 2013.

'Jasmine the Chef' (written by Maria Rochelle and illustrated by Jo Linsdell) was released May 2014.

'Jasmine's Got Talent' (written by Maria Rochelle and illustrated by Jo Linsdell) was released November 2014.

When I'm not writing books I like to review others at If you'd like your book reviewed, please get in touch.

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“A writer who can't follow submission guidelines is like a pilot without a plane... ain't gonna get very far!”
Jo Linsdell
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“There's no such thing as 'no market'. Some books are just niche orientated that's all.”
Jo Linsdell
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“Publication is a marathon, not a sprint. Writing the book is only the start.”
Jo Linsdell
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“We're all super stars in our own way. We just need to learn how to shine”
Jo Linsdell
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“The hard part is putting one word after another.”
Jo Linsdell
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