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Jodi Ellen Malpas

“No fucking about. I want inside you now. You fuck about, I swear to God...’ He’s deadly serious.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“If we were alone, you would be against that wall and I would be fucking you stupid.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“You’ll always need me, Ava. I’m going to make sure of it. Now, let’s see if we can fuck some sense into you.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Shtting fucking hell! I slap my hand over my lips to stop my mental explicit language from falling out of my mouth.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“your arrogant God wants to spend the rest of his life smothering you with his love and his body." Jesse”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Never Ava.All I need is you and for you to need me. Nothing else." Jesse”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Everything is so much more bearable with you around, Ava.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“He disregards my opinions and wishes at every turn, with his neurotic, challenging ways, and now I fear I’m becoming neurotic and challenging as well. He brings out the worst in me, and I know damn well I bring out the worst in him.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“This man is like the sex version of Jekyll and Hyde.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“My poor clothes are going to wonder where they live. They have been transported back and forth to this place on numerous occasions.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“No!” I push him away from me. “You’re not manipulating me with your delicious Godliness!”He grins that roguish grin. “You think I’m a God?”I huff, turning back to the mirror. His head is expanding at a rate so fast, I might be forced to jump out the bathroom window before I’m squashed against a wall.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“You’re the one baby.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Lady, you’re mine forever.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“God!” I scream.“No, baby, that’s me”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Ava, you should know that once I’ve had you, you’re mine.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Damn me for being half naked so I can’t escape. Instead, I’ve resorted to feeing into the bathroom, hiding like the desperate tart that I am.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I’m going to get lost in you.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Ava, the sexual tension batting between you and that man was so fucking super charged, even I was horny!”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I need to have all of you, Ava. Say I can have all of you.”…“Take me.” I say quietly against his lips.’“Oh, I will.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Just tell me one thing before you leave, Ava.” His voice prickles at my senses… His face is serious, but still stunning. “How loud do you think you’ll scream when I fuck you?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Shall we try this the traditional way?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“You are more than welcome." he winks. "Nothing stands in the way now, does it?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Ava, neither of us anticipated each other and for very different reasons. I know your parents opinion counts for a lot to you, and as it means so much to you, it means a lot to me too. My priority is you. You're all that matters to me. I love you.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I'm so glad. You're the best birthday present I've ever had.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Well, Mr Ward. Given how much sex we have, I'd say you're the majority shareholder of power in this relationship.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I'm going to make you happy for the rest of my life, baby. Lets dance.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I don't know what I've done to deserve you.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“It's fine. I'm fine. Unravel your boxer shorts.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“You're so handsome." I mumble dreamily, as he starts working the cream over every inch of my back. "I think I'll keep you forever.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“It's pure bliss, baby. Total gratification. Absolute, complete earth shifting, universe shaking love." my smiles back. "Yeah?" "Oh yeah. Complete heaven.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Steve, you want to be thanking all that's fucking holy I've got my girl in my arms, because if I didn't, the cleaners would be scooping up your remains for a fucking year.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Is there any particular date you would like to become Mrs Ava Ward?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I'm going to worship you every day for the rest of my life.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Now, we have sleepy celebration sex.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I can't believe you're in my life, I can't believe you're mine. You are so, so precious to me, baby.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“You're my life.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I never in a million years thought i would ever say this, but I'm not going to take you tonight.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“For letting me remind you.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I just need you.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“All of me, Ava. Every single piece.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Have you ever heard of tit tape, Sarah?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Seriously. A man categorically devised the high heal and he did it in an attempt to make it easier for you dudes to rugby tackle us womenfolk to the ground and haul us back to your beds.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I want to lay you on that bar and take my time peeling all of this lace off.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“You stole my lines.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Do they think their life would be over if I wasn't here?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Do they want to keep me in a glass box so nothing and no one can hurt me?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Do they stop breathing for a few seconds every time they see me?”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“I fancy a bit of rowing.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Ask if they have peanut butter.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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“Nuts are very healthy. And anyway, you're more important than me.”
Jodi Ellen Malpas
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