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Joe Bousquet

Joë Bousquet (French: [buskɛ]; 19 March 1897 – 28 September 1950) was a French poet.

Bousquet was born in Narbonne. Wounded on 27 May 1918 at Vailly near the Aisne battlelines at the end of the First World War, he was paralysed for the rest of his life, and lived a life largely bedridden, surrounded by his books. His physical incapacity and constant pain (for which he took opium) caused a retreat from the world, but also became the starting point for an extensive body of poetry and writing. He contributed poetry to the Carcassonne poetic review Cahiers du Sud, and carried on a correspondence with many writers and friends, including Louis Aragon, André Gide, Paul Éluard, Max Ernst, and Simone Weil. He died in Carcassonne, and his home there is now a museum in his memory.

Bousquet became friends with the surrealists, and his poetry is often associated with them. He also purchased paintings by Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, Jean Fautrier, Wols, André Masson and Hans Bellmer, and was modeled by René Iché and painted by Jean Dubuffet.

His work was admired by many famous French writers of the 20th century, including René Char, Louis Aragon, André Breton, Maurice Blanchot, André Gide, Paul Valéry, and, most notably, Gilles Deleuze.

“My wound existed before; I was born to embody it.”
Joe Bousquet
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“A star shoots bleeding across the skyline, a companion to the black wind. Silence comes sweeping across everything.”
Joe Bousquet
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“Tonight the thoughts of the dead are turning back to the earth.”
Joe Bousquet
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“Yet a mysterious gate lay open within her shadow; and all my flesh was aware of black pathways and hovels and the silence one observes when the dead are near.”
Joe Bousquet
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“An immense body, encircling my delirium, a body made of wind and sunlight, crouching and stretching, encompassed the existence of the slightest human echo.”
Joe Bousquet
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“Now the night's breath responds to the sea, which I can scarcely hear from here, as it reminisces about its shipwrecks.”
Joe Bousquet
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“I gazed upon the earth and saw that a body, in its tender faithlessness, had located it in the sky. A splendid scarf of blood, looming above the abyss.”
Joe Bousquet
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