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Joe Bright

Joe Bright spends far too much time probing the dark and macabre. It’s an unhealthy obsession—or so his therapist claims. It started innocently when he was a child as he delved into the writings of King and Lovecraft. This ultimately led him down the grim path of story telling, starting first with poetry and short stories, and ultimately, introduced him to the dreaded novel.

Along the way, Joe left his home state of Wyoming, traveled the world, lived in Honolulu, San Francisco, and Berkeley, before settling in Los Angeles, where he drifted into hermitage as he became consumed by writing. Periodically, he allows himself to wonder out into the light and mingle with other members of his species. If you are not among those who have spotted him in his unnatural habitat, you can visit him at

“If this phrase the 'balance of power' is to always be an argument for war, the pretense for war will never be wanting, and peace can never be secure.”
Joe Bright
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