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Joe Schreiber

Joe Schreiber was born in Michigan but spent his formative years in Alaska, Wyoming and northern California. Until recently, he has never lived in the same address for longer than a year. Before settling in Hershey he lived in New York, Boston, Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland (OR), and Philadelphia. Becoming a parent forced him to consider a career with more reliable income, and he got a job as an MRI tech at Hershey Medical Center. Joe is married and has two children. He is the author of Chasing The Dead, Eat The Dark, and his newest tale of terror; No Doors, No Windows, which went on sale the same day as STAR WARS: DEATH TROOPERS. You can find him on the web at his blog ScaryParent.Blogspot.Com and on Suvudu.Com, where he is an occasional horror columnist.

“I can't dance, remember?" I whispered."It's just a tango. It is like sex, except with clothes on." Then, squeezing me closer: "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot, you do not know how to do that either.”
Joe Schreiber
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“When life wants to get our attention it doesn't bother with half measures.”
Joe Schreiber
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“The past is never done with us in any substantial way. The most cursory examination reveals its bloody fingerprints on every surface of our lives.”
Joe Schreiber
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“Venice never looks lovelier than when you're using it to dispose of a body.”
Joe Schreiber
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“Like crucifixions and pornography, it never got old.”
Joe Schreiber
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“It's like Sheriff Daniels sneezed, and they all caught the misinformation flu.”
Joe Schreiber
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“Hell had been his Vietnam. It had stamped its mark on him for all eternity, and no amount of denial or self-imposed ignorance was going to change it. Ever.”
Joe Schreiber
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“I'm just saying --' He pointed the way that Han appeared to be favoring. '--this doesn't feel right''Yeah, well, we're on a Star Destroyer being chased by the living dead. NONE of this feels right”
Joe Schreiber
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“The Jedi taught you much more than simply how to fight. They taught you how to live, how to live within the Force, and upholad the bond you share with it.”
Joe Schreiber
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“The snow wasn't deep - in many places its crust was firm enough that they actually walked on top of it - but the wind was surgical, a precision instrument with needles for teeth, and it found even the tiniest exposed places on her skin, attacking them.”
Joe Schreiber
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