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Joel Fuhrman

“Most brown bread is merely white bread with a fake tan.”
Joel Fuhrman
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“Medicines cannot drug away the cellular defects that develop in response to improper nutrition throughout life.”
Joel Fuhrman
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“Health is normal. The human body is a self-repairing, self-defending, self-healing marvel. Disease is relatively difficult to induce, considering the body's powerful immune system. However, this complicated and delicate machinery can be damaged if fed the wrong fuel during the formative years. ... Healthy living with nutritional excellence throughout life can slow the decline of aging. It can prevent the years and years of suffering in ill health that is so common today as people get older and become dependent on medical treatments, drugs, and surgery. Nutritional excellence is the only real fountain of youth.”
Joel Fuhrman
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“Since the foods Americans consume are so calorie-rich, we have all been trying to diet by eating smaller portions of low-nutrient foods. We not only have to suffer hunger but also wind up with perverted cravings because we are nutrient-deficient to boot.”
Joel Fuhrman
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