Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller photo

Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller

People best know long didactic poems and historical plays, such as

Don Carlos

(1787) and

William Tell

(1804), of leading romanticist German poet, dramatist, and historian Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller.

This philosopher and dramatist struck up a productive if complicated friendship with already famous and influential Johann Wolfgang von Goethe during the last eighteen years of his life and encouraged Goethe to finish works that he left merely as sketches; they greatly discussed issues concerning aesthetics and thus gave way to a period, now referred to as classicism of Weimar. They also worked together on

Die Xenien


The Xenies

), a collection of short but harsh satires that verbally attacked perceived enemies of their aesthetic agenda.

“You could be happy without me - but not become unhappy through me. This I felt alive in me - and thereupon I built my hopes. You could give yourself to another, but none could love you more purely or more completely than I did. To none could your happiness be holier, as it was to me, and always will be. My whole existence, everything that lives within me, everything, my most precious, I devote to you, and if I try to ennoble myself, that is done, in order to become ever worthier of you, to make you ever happier.”
Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller
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“On the mountains there is freedom! The world is perfect everywhere, save where man comes with his torment.”
Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller
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