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Johanna Lindsey

Johanna Helen Howard was born on March 10, 1952 in Germany, where her father, Edwin Dennis Howard, a soldier in the U.S. Army was stationed. The family moved about a great deal when she was young. Her father always dreamed of retiring to Hawaii, and after he passed away in 1964 Johanna and her mother settled there to honor him.

In 1970, when she was still in school, she married Ralph Lindsey, becoming a young housewife. The marriage had three children; Alfred, Joseph and Garret, who already have made her a grandmother. After her husband's death, Johanna moved to Maine, New England, to stay near her family.

Johanna Lindsey wrote her first book, Captive Bride in 1977 "on a whim", and the book was a success. By 2006, with over 58 Million copies of her books have been sold worldwide, with translations appearing in 12 languages, Johanna Lindsey is one of the world's most popular authors of historical romance.

Johanna's books span the various eras of history, including books set in the Middle Ages, the American "Old West" and the popular Regency England-Scotland. She has even written a few sci-fi romances. By far the most popular among her books are the stories about the Malory-Anderson Family, a Regency England saga.

Johanna Lindsey died on Oct. 27, 2019 in Nashua, N.H. She was 67.

“He slammed out of the room, determined to speak with Captian Overly himself. If there was any way to get the Merhammer turned around short of holding a gun to the man,he would do it.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You have to tell this ship to turn around!"He had a feeling she was serious, so he managed not to laugh. Well,he tried-and failed. "I'm sure the 'ship' won't listen to reason. No,really,I'm positive it won't.""You know what I mean!" she shrieked at him.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“What do you do for Nigel Jennings?"There was no pause at all. "I'm his tailer," he answered immediately."You're nothing of the sort."Rupert gave her a cheeky grin. "Meant to say, he's my tailor."She cast him a thoughtful look. "Interesting that you would lie about it.""You call joking lying?""Evasion is a form of deceit.""Interesting that you would see it that way." He gave her back her own words. She almost laughed.While he hadn't answered her question any more truthfully than she had answered his, he surprised her by not pursuing his inquiry about why she had been on Wigmore Street. Fingering a white silk yarn within his reach, he said, "I'll take a vest in this if you run out of ideas to ply your needle toward."She couldn't help but grin. "Will you indeed? But that implies a gift-"He cut in, "Consider it an early Christmas present," and actually sounded serious."I don't make presents for mere aquaintances.""We're more'n that.""We aren't.""Of course we are,or do you make a habit of kissing mere aquaintances?"She huffed. "You did the kissing, not I."He was grinning again. "You fully participated,Becca. Don't even try to deny it.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“In response to his question, she warned, "There will not be any more kissing. You were an excellent teacher. I graduated from your class."He laughed,though he was quick to rejoin, "How disappointing. You were supposed to claim ineptitude and ask for further guidance.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You have exciting eyes,Becca. Too dark to read, which cloaks you in mystery. Pink would offset that, don't you think?"How was she supposed to think a'tall?! Her pulse was racing out of control. She could even feel him pushing himself against her hips!"If we really were alone right now, I think I'd have to lift your skirt."Whispered in his low,masculine voice near her ear, the outrageous remark made her draw in her breath so sharply she almost choked. It completely saved her and brought her to her sense.He'd stepped back as she coughed. She swung around, glaring at him, and was met with a cheeky grin."Will you throw yarn at me if I kiss you again?" he asked with a twinkle in his pale blue eyes.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Fancy finding you here," he said jauntily.Nothing about it was fanciful, and she suspected he might have followed her. Why else would he be there?"You've taken up knitting, have you?" she countered as she walked to the yarn section of the shop."No,I've taken up finding you alone. Nice of you to accommodate me."His answer pleased her more than she could say, but she warned him, "I'm not alone.""For the moment you are.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“She thought I should woo you into removing the mask I told her you were wearing."She'd managed to surprise him yet again, to go by his expression and the lambent look that entered his eyes. "That sounds entirely too interesting. You have my rapt attention. Woo away.""I wouldn't know how," she admitted, lowering her head and suddenly feeling embarrassed."Move a little closer,m'dear. I promise I'll get the message."Her head shot back up. "You're entirely too bold,Rupert St. John.""I know.It's wonderful,isn't it?"She rolled her eyes. She supposed this Rupert was much preferable to the dangerous one she'd briefly met in Nigel's room.But which was the real St. John?Aware that the dance was going to end at any moment,she said, "Now it's my turn.Are you really a spy?""Good God,do you really think I'd say so if I was?" he replied,aghast, which was obviously feigned."I thought we were being honest.""No,you are being honest. I'm merely being delighted by it."Rebecca gritted her teeth. He'd finally managed to provoke her ire with his evasiveness. She stopped dancing, pulled away from his hands,and walked away.But she heard him call softly after her, "Wait! You haven't heard my dire warnings!""Keep them," she shot back. "I wouldn't believe them anyway."DId he have to laugh at that?”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You don't look like a Rupert."Startled,he raised a black brow at her. "Dare I ask what I look like to you?""A hungry wolf."He didn't laugh at the description, but he did abruptly release her. "Wolf, perhaps," he said drily. "Hungry? Not at the moment."She had enough sense to guess she'd just been insulted. Had she touched a nerve perhaps? Good,because he was certainly touching too many of hers.Regaining her balance after stumbling back from him,she went to straighten her skirt in an indignant manner,but forgot she wasn't wearing one.How could she appear to be offended while she was wearing britches? She settled for grabbing the hat off the floor and shoving it back down on her head.The very idea! Not hungry at the moment? As if she didn't know he was implying she wasn't to his taste.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“I'd pity you," she said in a conversational tone. "But you know,you just aren't worth it. I'd pity your new son, too,but he won't be worth it either after you get done raising him to be just like you-that's if he's even really yours or just-""Get out!" Mortimer cut in furiously.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“It was Papa," Marian interrupted quietly, glancing up at her aunt. "He looked directly at me,not a foot away from me.It was Papa."Kathleen sighed. "Well,I can't say I'm delighted to hear it.The best thing Mortimer ever did for you gals was to die. So he couldn't even do that right?”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Interesting she called him. She saw him as interesting-artistically. Under the circumstances, that was about as unflattering as she could get.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Or maybe you wouldn't mind lending me a few of your dresses until I can find a seamstress in town? You haven't exactly been wearing your clothes lately, so I'm sure you won't miss them!”
Johanna Lindsey
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“What is Chad short for?" she found herself asking out of pure nervousness."Short for?""It's a nickname,isn't it?""No,darlin',it doesn't get any longer."She heard the humor in his tone,which annoyed her.It had been a natural mistake. The name didn't usually stand on its own.And she should take him to task over that "darlin'," except she'd heard for herself how common the use of that word was out here,no different than the old-timers calling her "missy," or the train attendant calling her "ma'am." It meant nothing. There wasn't a speck of endearment in it."Thank you for clearing that up for me," she said a bit stiffly."My pleasure."She had a feeling he would have tipped his hat if he'd been wearing it just then rather than holding it in his hand. She'd like to tip his rocker over. He could be so damn irritating-no,it probably wasn't even him, it was her reaction to him,her nervousness, her-wanting him when she knew she couldn't have him.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“I suppose I could walk back.The house isn't that far away."He lifted a black brow at her. "You'd rather walk a mile than ask me to take you back?"The answer was absolutely yes, but she wasn't going to embarrass them both by saying it. At least she had an excuse to avoid such close contact with him, which she really didn't think she could handle. Being this close to him was bad enough because it was reminding her about that kiss the other night...”
Johanna Lindsey
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“And she was blushing a lot herself, for absolutely no reason other than she'd found herself sitting next to Chad at the table.Their knees bumped. Their elbows collided. Marian whispered apologies each time,even for those that weren't her fault. He didn't seem to hear though, as he was too busy listening to every word out of Amanda's mouth. She stepped on his foot deliberately. Hard. He even missed that.Dessert was being served when Chad said in an aside to her, "If I didn't already know how lacking in coordination you are,I'd think I was under attack.Now what the hell are you blushing for? I was only teasing.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You misplaced one of your men," Chad remarked."I did?""He'll be along shortly with the baggage. He'll need to be untied.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You know,I think I'd rather freeze than continue this conversation. You've been warned.Proceed at your own risk."He smiled. "I always do,darlin'.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You need to find yourself a new eye doctor. Trenton just happens to have one."Her eyes moved to him,then back to the cup she'd managed to get hold of. "There's nothing wrong with my vision," she replied indignantly."You're as blind as a bat.""What an unkind thing to say," she said with a humph."You get top honors on unkind remarks, Missy. I'm just stating the obvious.""Which isn't the least bit true.""Isn't it? How many fingers am I holding up?" When she said nothing, he added, "Uh-huh,I rest my case."She lowered her head a bit,conceding, he thought, until she replied triumphantly, "Three."He mumbled under his breath. "You were guessing.""And you have trouble admitting when you're wrong,don't you?”
Johanna Lindsey
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“And as for her sister,he wished a strong wind would just blow her away.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“She was the kind of gal that if she set her sights on a man, he'd be running in the opposite direction real quick.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“The letter was the one that Albert Bridges had sent to their aunt. Of course, Marian hadn't doubted he was who he said he was.She hadn't needed proof.But she pretended to be satisfied with the proof he offered and with a sniff and a shoveof her spectacles more tightly to the top of her nose,she said primly, "Very good.I'm glad we are in capable hands," and she walked away.It was probably his annoyance that made him say to her back, "Capable? No,just my hands." At least,she hoped it was just his annoyance.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“He was fiddling with the harness on the lead horse when she approached him, and asked, "Do you have proof that our aunt sent you to escort us?"He glanced sideways at her,but then put his attention back on the horse. "I mentioned your aunt,you didn't," he pointed out,his tone indifferent."Well,yes,you did,but everyone in this town knows that we recently lost our father and are traveling to live with our aunt."That got his eyes on her again with a narrowed frown. "I've never set foot in this town before.""So you say,but-""Are you accusing me of sneaking into town in the last day or so,hearing your tale that 'everyone' knows about, and cooking up a plan to abscond with you and your sister?"Put that way,it sounded really horrible. He'd have to be the worst sort of person to cook up such a plan. She winced mentally. She should nod in agreement. She couldn't bring herself to do it.She didn't need to.He was already furious with her.He reached inside his vest to pull out a letter he had stuffed in a pocket there. He literally shoved the letter in Marian's face."This is how I knew where to find you, Miss Laton,and having not found you where you were supposed to be,I've spent every day since tracking you down.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“A moment later,the gunshot startled them all, well, all of them except Chad Kinkaid, who fired it. The dogs that had followed him in had still been barking around his horse's feet. The shot hit the dirt near them and sent them hightailing it elsewhere.Amanda had squealed in surprise,one hand had flown to her chest and was still there. "Was that really necessary?" she asked derisively.Chad Kinkaid pulled his hat back down over his forehead,gathered his reins in preparation of riding off, and with a lazy smile,said, "No,ma'am. It was a pleasure though.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“What you can't do is leave me!"He was thrown back. There were still six crewmen standing against him. That wasn't deterring him in the least, however, which only infuriated her the more. The fool man was going to get tossed in the river yet.She might do it herself. She was, after all, fed up with being told what she could or couldn't do. "And why can't I leave you?""Because I love you!"He hadn't even paused in throwing another punch to shout that. Georgina, however, went very still, and breathless, and nearly sat down on the deck, her knees had gone so weak with the incredible emotion that welled up inside her.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“I find it intolerable that this lord is out there going about hisdepravities unhindered. I was hoping you might know some way to deal with the man.""Oh, Yes," James said with a dark, ominous smile. "I can think of a few ways.""Short of killing him, that is," Derek felt it prudent to add.James said nothing for nearly ten seconds, then, "If you insist.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“She found the page, cleared her throat and began to read, " 'There was nary a doubt that I had ever seen such big ones, round and ripe. My teeth ached to bite them' " God, what tripe! ”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Ignore you, sweetheart? I think it would be easier to stop breathing."-Vasili”
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“The Vikings did not believe in leaving their futures to the fates, but in carving their own fates . It was believed the gods would reward those who went forth valiantly to conquer and to gain. Vikings gave no account to meekness, or suffering patience. They fought for what they wanted. Defeat held no honor.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“I never thought I’d say I’m so very glad you’re a rogue instead of an angel. But I suppose it’s all right as long as you’re my rogue- Rebecca -”
Johanna Lindsey
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“With my life comes my heart, yours now to crush or cherish as you will. It is my hope you will have a care in keeping both.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“By your father's word has your life been given to me to protect. Now do I give you my life in return, yours to keep until the day I die.--Falon to Shanelle”
Johanna Lindsey
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“My mother helped me to get past that. She was always there for me, until she dies. I remember she told me once, about big hearts and small hearts, and that not everyone could be blessed with a big one that had room to care for a lot of people. She promised me that mine was big, and that I was the lucky one for it.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Biding time is easy -- and gets you nowhere.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“She paused, frowning as she sifted through her memories. “I think it was my mother who said it, that Kathleen married Frank Dunn just so she could leave Haverhill. I remember thinking at the time that that must have been a powerful desire she had, to see more of the world.” Or a powerful desire to get away from her small of corner of it, Chad was thinking.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Now that's the sort of love Richard had always been looking for, enduring, defying obstacles, reciprocated.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“But you don't let true happiness slip out of your grasp without one helluva fight.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“James stared at him for a moment, a brief moment, before his stonelike fist landed in Richard's gut. "Wrong answer. Try again.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“If you think I'm going to tell my wife she came in second place, you're out of your gourd. I'll convey the apology and not another bloody word.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Who said love was reasonable?”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Defeat held no honor.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Stupid people always ignored good advice”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Do for yourself, for no one else will.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Attitudes change once the die is cast,”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You are not my wife yet, to concern yourself in my affairs.""And when I am your wife?"His conscience pricked him, making him snap, "You will learn not to question me."-Royce to Corliss-”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You better think real carefully before you say anything, cateyes, because if you give me your love, I’m not going to let you take it back. I can’t keep worrying about whether or not I can make you happy. I’ll try my best but there isn’t going to be any changing your mind later. Do you understand what I’m saying? If you’re going to be my woman, there’s no way in hell I’ll ever let you go.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“I'm sorry I stood there like a half-wit, Count Petroff," she told him matter-of-factly, "but I was a bit--surprised. After all, it's not everyday that I see a man who's prettier than I am."(Alexandra)”
Johanna Lindsey
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“And here I thought you were actually going to behave yourself," he said. "It's going to get worse if they don't keep their hands off you.""I suppose you're going to tell me now that only you have the right to touch me.""I see we understand each other.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Another step had her backed up against the wall, and he braced his arms on both sides of her. "I'm beginning to look forward to this marriage, just so I can spend the rest of my life making you miserable."Alexandra was too angry to be intimidated. "Misery loves company, sweetheart," she shot back. "So don't think I'll be suffering mine alone." She slipped out from under his arm and marched out the door.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“Anthony grinned at her, knowing that would probably infuriate her all the more. "My eyes have been a-wandering, as you put it, for the last nineteen years. Give them a rest, Roslynn. They settled on you and don't want to move on.”
Johanna Lindsey
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“You aren't even angry with me anymore, Stefan, so let me up."He didn't budge. "It would be a misconception on your part, little Tanya, if you are thinking I have to be angry to make love to you." His head bent, his lips grazing her cheek all the way to her ear. With his warm breath sending tingles all over her, he continued in a whisper, "I wanted you last night, today a dozen times, right now more than ever. Tell me to love you, Tanya. Demand it of me!”
Johanna Lindsey
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