Johanna Paungger photo

Johanna Paungger

In the early eighties people started asking me to pass on knowledge that had been instilled in me since earliest childhood, namely, the knowledge of moon rhythms and their influence on all living things on earth. I owe this knowledge to my grandfather who taught me that intuition, observation and experience are the key to many things in nature, things that cannot necessarily be explained scientifically.

I clearly remember my first lecture in 1983. I had been warned to expect heckling, but my inner conviction and the support of my friends were such that I did not care how many people would make fun of me.

For me only one thing was important: If I could spark just one person’s interest then this ancient knowledge would be kept alive; knowledge that had survived for centuries by word of mouth, experimentation and use and which could be of great value in current times.

Encouraged by the success of my first lecture, others soon followed. After many, many lectures and feeling overwhelmed by countless inquiries, I began looking for a writer who would put this knowledge down on paper. I found the ideal partner in Thomas Poppe.

These days I am happy that so many people are receptive to moon knowledge. Although initially many faces in the audience reflected disbelief, this quickly changed to overwhelming interest. Living according to lunar cycles is nothing new for me, but I am delighted to see how many people once again believe in this ancient knowledge.

My wish is that you shall, assuming you enjoy it, acquire knowledge that will accompany you for a lifetime and will not require using guides and tables. Knowledge that will become second nature and that you can pass on to your children as a stepping-stone to their own experiences. Even though you did not grow up with this knowledge, every one of our books gives you ample opportunity for hands-on-experience. This is far more effective than thousands of examples on paper. After a few attempts it will no longer feel strange and you will see how simple it really is. These books were written together with my dear friend and husband Thomas Poppe. May they make things easier for receptive readers and provide them with a helpful guide for many situations.

After decades of preparation we could finally fulfill another one of our dreams: To come out with a line of products that were manufactured at the right time. We would like to recommend that you try one or the other product. The success when using these natural products speaks for itself.

“The only purpose of our lives consists in waking each other up and being there for each other.”
Johanna Paungger
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