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John Adair

“Those occupying leadership roles who completely lack integrity are what we call 'Blind shepherds'. They are not really 'bad' leaders, because they are not leaders at all: they are misleaders.”
John Adair
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“There is the authority of position and the authority of knowledge - 'Authority flows from the one who knows.' But sharing in hardship confers upon a leader something quite rare - moral authority.”
John Adair
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“Integrity is the noblest possession.-Latin Proverb.”
John Adair
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“Humble people know their limitations: they know what they know, and they know what they do not know; they know what they can do or be, and they know what they cannot do or be”
John Adair
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“Perhaps one day they will add about you as their leader, "And you made a difference" That is the true reward of Leadership”
John Adair
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“A manager will take six months to get to know his staff, but they will take only six days to get to know him”
John Adair
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“praise and recognition based upon performance are the oxygen of the human spirit”
John Adair
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“The price of excellence in teamwork is eternal vigilance”
John Adair
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“Success is often to be found at the edge of failure”
John Adair
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“Humans are not machines, and some of their energy during the day will go into discussions or activities unrelated to the common task.Within reason, this "time wasting" is acceptable, but it can become a problem in a team that does not have a really positive attitude to the common task”
John Adair
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“Communication is the sister of leadership”
John Adair
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“The more that people share decisions affecting their working life, the more they are motivated to carry them out”
John Adair
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“People expect their Leaders to help them to achieve the common task. to build the synergy of teamwork and to respond to individuals and meet their needs”
John Adair
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“Leadership is essentially an other-centred activity not self centred one”
John Adair
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“Instinctively, a common feeling exists that "United we stand, divided we fall", that good relationship, desirable in themselves, are also an essential means towards the shared end.”
John Adair
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“Work groups and organization come into being because there is a task to be done that is too big for one person”
John Adair
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“Effective leaders treat individuals differently but equally”
John Adair
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“There is a useful distinction between good leaders and leaders of good”
John Adair
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“Developing self-confidence is always the preliminary to becoming a leader. but don't let it become overconfidence, the first station on the track leading to arrogance”
John Adair
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“integrity means both personal wholeness and adherence to values outside yourself - especially goodness and truth”
John Adair
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“All groups and Organisation are unique”
John Adair
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“You cannot be a military leader without physical courage. But there are Plenty of soldiers with physical courage who are not leaders”
John Adair
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“A good manager is now by definition a leader. Equally, a good leader will also be a manger”
John Adair
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