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John Agno

A seasoned corporate executive, entrepreneur,recovering management consultant, author and blogger who today coaches senior executives and business owners to reach decision-making clarity by exploring unintended consequences of their future actions in a safe and confidential environment.

John helps you see things you are missing, affirms whatever progress you have made, tests your perceptions and lets you know how you are doing. His developmental coaching is personal training that helps you focus your natural abilities in the right direction. The coaching allows your inner-potential to erupt outward through effective leadership; to develop commitment within organizations and in a world of "free agents" and "volunteer" talent.

Coaching is a powerful tool and one that should be used to help guide, direct and nourish people to become better performers. In today's environment of changing technology and evolving organizations, coaching can have a strategic impact. It provides continuous learning and develops people to meet current and future needs. Coaching is an investment that you make in developing your key resource, people, for the long-term benefit of the organization.

So what is professional coaching and how does it differ from consulting? Download and listen to this MP3 recording of a recent interview of Coach Agno for the answer to that question:

“Truth flows from universal law, not personal views.”
John Agno
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